SciFiction's last
SciFiction's last original story has gone up. It's the end of an era. Celebrate that era at the EDSF Project, then pick a story and join the celebration.
Exploring the fields of weird
SciFiction's last original story has gone up. It's the end of an era. Celebrate that era at the EDSF Project, then pick a story and join the celebration.
Posted by
8:47 AM
A whole page devoted to putting SpongeBob SquarePants into Iron Maiden album covers. I especially like how they transform the eyes to look more like Eddie. (Link found at Making Light.)
Posted by
1:29 PM
Much work is being done to promote books. I did a review of Spin a while back after the book was sent to me from a publicist at Holtzbrinck Publishers, the company that owns book publishers like Tor. Now, Holtzbrinck has decided to create a Web presence. The site includes a blog about literary happenings, the latest books and other news. They plan on offering the first chapters of all their new novels at the site and through RSS feeds. Also, they say they'll be creating author blogs at the site. They could be offering some good stuff, so check it out.
Amazon has now started its own promotional programs as well. Amazon is letting authors blog as part of Amazon Connect. If you visit the page for Meg Wolitzer's novel "The Position", scroll down a bit and you can visit part of Wolitzer's blog. The blog is also published here. I'm not sure how you'd find other author blogs outside of stumbling across them on their pages.
Edward Champion has his doubts on the program and posts about it here.
But I can’t buy into the ethics of a retailer pushing a blog while simultaneously encouarging people to buy things. Whatever the merits of Wolitzer’s posts, however much she feels that “Anything that can get fiction on people’s radar is good,” I get the unsettling aura of Shirley Maclaine talking with the dead during an infomercial.
Posted by
10:07 AM
I just read the last pages of The Kappa Child. The book is beautiful, heartwarming and enlightening. I loved it.
The book won the James Tiptree Jr. Award in 2001. That's what got me to buy the novel, thinking it would be a fantasy novel. The kappa and the UFO abductions in the story are all used more metaphorically. They are possibly psychological in origin, but all the fantastic happenings have physical manifestations. The book is really more literary fiction, and has its best moments describing the interactions between people.
The book is about a woman trying to come to terms with her family history and her present life. The writing is beautiful, the characters seem so real and the story is great. Find the book and read it. It's terrific.
The Tiptree judges had many good things to say about the novel. Here's one judge:
This captivating magic realist novel is, from start to finish, a pure delight to read. Although clearly fantastic it is written with a "mainstream" sensibility so that emphasis is placed on the protagonists, their growth and their inner worlds rather than on an action-driven plot with which genre readers are more familiar. This book pulls no emotional punches yet remains both a loving and a positive work.
Goto's warm, delicate and humorous touch had me, a straight and sometime conservative male, effortlessly identifying with the alienation felt by four Japanese-Canadian sisters, one of them queer, growing up within the confines of a strict, paternalistic family on the Canadian prairie. Quite a feat, that.
Add an immaculate conception, alien abductions and a kappa to the blend and you have an irresistible charmer of a book. PH
Posted by
9:57 AM
Labels: review
Joe Clifford Faust has an interesting post on writing and blogging. He suggests that blogging can be an aid to a writer, forcing them to sit in front of their computer every day and write. Here are two things he says:
If you blog about your writing experiences, I think it helps you internalize them. This could be a great tool for beginning writers, who don't yet know how they work. It's also good for the readers, who can learn from our experiences and many, many mistakes.
The writer's blog is exactly what you want to make it. A checklist of your daily progress. A log of your struggles as you stare into the screen. A post-it place for excerpts of the day's work. A storehouse for notions, ideas, and projects. A place to air your fears and reveal your aspirations. Or all, some, or none of the above.
Posted by
11:24 AM
Labels: writing
I've had nothing to say these last couple of days. That's too bad considering my traffic has been picking up with all the people checking out the 15 things about books posts I made. By the way, I've been updating the Other People's 15 Book Facts post. I've found over 80 blogs that have posted that meme and I'm still finding more. Bloggers range from romance writers to homeschoolers to just plain old bloggers (like myself). Do all memes have that kind of reach? I want to thank everybody who has been commenting lately. I love to hear from you.
Anyway, posting might be a little slow this week unless I get inspired. But I really think I should be concentrating on fiction writing and stop wasting so much time online. There's just too much good stuff to be read out there, I can't read it all. I'll try to post before the holidays. Ciao for now.
Posted by
1:12 PM
Labels: writing
Now that I've kept track of all these people doing the 15 things about books meme (see below, which I've been updating as I find more), I figured I'd do it myself:
1. I can't remember the first books I read. The earliest books I remember were the Encyclopedia Brown stories (I think that was its name. The main character was super smart and he solved crimes with his friends), the Black Stallion series and the Hardy Boys.
2. My writing interests changed with Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time" and "A Swiftly Tilting Planet." I started getting into fantasy works. Then my neighbor, a friend of my parents, started talking to me about this great book I should read: The Hobbit.
3. I was a Tolkien obsessive from my preteen years until the end of high school. I had The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales (which had just been released at that time), The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (I remember a conversation in middle school with a girl who said it was creepy and wrong to be reading somebody's letters; I disagreed); Farmer Giles of Ham; The Tolkien Companion; Tolkien's translation of Gawain & the Green Knight; The Road Goes Ever On songbook; and every Tolkien bestiary and dictionary. In fact, I remember just after reading part of the Lord of the Rings vowing to become a writer because I wanted to create worlds like Tolkien had.
4. The second big influence on my reading was a tag sale. My grandmother, who was a secretary in a school, took me to the principal's tag sale. The principal was selling off all of her late husband's paperbacks. I looked at one box and was astounded. Here was Isaac Asimov, Fritz Leiber, Robert Heinlein, Doc Savage, Samuel Delany and Lin Carter. When the principal saw my interest, she said I should just take the whole box. I was astounded. I have never been so grateful for an act of charity in my life. That box opened whole new worlds to me. I still have most of the books from it today.
5. I think I'm a slow reader. It takes me most of a week to read a 200 or so page book. There have been occasions when I read faster, but they are rare.
6. It disturbs me that there are so many classics I haven't read, especially Moby Dick and Ulysses. I'm determined to finish those in the near future.
7. I have so many books now that I get anxious deciding what to read next. I'm right now reading H.P. Lovecraft's story "Dreams in the Witch-House." When I finish that, I'm prepared to start a novel, but should it be Minister Faust's "The Coyote Kings of the Space Age Bachelor Pad" or John Farris's "All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By" or Hiromi Goto "The Kappa Child" or "The Dark Sleeper" by Jeffrey E. Barlough or "Low Red Moon" by Caitlin Kiernan or "Home Land" by Sam Lipsyte or "The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil" by George Saunders or "Snow Country" by Yasunari Kawabata or "Lud-in-the-Mist" by Hope Mirrlees and what about Christmas with all the new books I'll be getting. Ack! It's actually a great problem to have, but good god I feel like I'll never be able to finish all these great things.
8. I've tried my hand at reviewing books and I think I'm pretty terrible at it. I reviewed Spin most recently and I'm just never comfortable with what I have to say. What right do I have to tell an author they're wrong or aren't writing up to par or whatever. I'm just a copy editor and wannabe fiction writer, I shouldn't be talking.
9. I've worked in journalism for the last 12 years and yet I hardly ever read nonfiction books. I read plenty of newspaper articles and blogs and magazines, but I just find myself far more interested in stories rather than facts. The last two I remember reading were "The Serenity Prayer," a memoir by Elisabeth Sifton -- which was terrific -- and "Hell Bent for Leather" by Seb Hunter, which was fun.
10. I adore used book stores, especially ones that have books piled up all over the place. It's like a treasure hunt, you can find so many hidden gems. And all those old book covers are beautiful. It's so much different than Barnes & Noble or even independent book stores. A used book store just feels so much more lived in. And besides, I can walk in with a $5 bill and walk out with 8 books.
11. I hate that so few people I know in the real world read and enjoy books. They do occasionally and most of them are very literate, but they just don't have the joy of books that I do. I think that's one of the reasons I started blogging, to write to and hear from other people who liked the same kind of weird books I do.
12. I love short story anthologies, but I hardly ever read them in order. Usually, I read the story or author I've heard something about first. Then once I've read all those, I'll put it aside and occasionally pick it up to take a chance on some other story. Very few anthologies have I read straight through. One of the few I read that way, and probaby my favorite anthology, is Leviathan 3. Single author collections I am much more likely to read straight through. I have no idea why.
13. In high school, if I was given a list of books to choose from for a book report, I usually had read about half of them already. Yet, I always chose a new one to write about. I had a friend who was a troublemaker -- real trouble, he sold illegal guns and took drugs and today is probably either dead or a dangerous man. Anyway, he would ask me to write his book reports for him and he'd give me money in return. I did them, he always paid up. I told him to rewrite them so he wouldn't get caught, I have no idea if he did. Every single time, he would take the report to class and the teacher would know immediately that it wasn't written by him and tear it up. We went through this at least five times. I think I made out the best in the deal.
14. I rarely will read two of the same author's books in a row, no matter how much I enjoyed the first. I don't know why. It's one of the reasons I stay away from trilogies. It took me a long time to read Tad Williams's Memory, Sorrow & Thorn series because I read a whole lot of other books between each one (and those books are really long too).
15. I don't get to reread enough. I've read "The Great Gatsby" three times, "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" twice each and "Lolita" twice. Short stories, naturally, I reread much more often. I think this falls under the same category as #7, there's just not enough time to read!
Hope you enjoyed that. Anyone who would like to do this meme, please feel free, but I want to tag three specific people: Cybele, Mike and the Professor.
UPDATE: Mike has taken up the challenge. Check out his list at Morrow Planet.
UPDATE 2: Professor Hex has joined the game.
Posted by
12:28 PM
I enjoy memes, though I rarely do them here. But there's a recent one I've enjoyed immensely. It's called the 15 Facts about Me and Books. It's been all over the place and the answers people give are unfailingly interesting. So, I'm going to take it up soon and write my own. But in the meantime, I've been so fascinated by it I've started tracing back through the people who have done it. It started with Book Banter who said:
So you know that meme 100 Things where you list a whole bunch of things about you? I thought it would be fun to do the same thing for books, but 100 was too many. Hell, it was hard to come up with 100 things about me when I had free reign and could talk about anything. Containing it to just books was hard. So I kept lowering my standards until I came up with 15 book things about me.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Catherynne M. Valente has decided not to see the Chronicles of Narnia because of her love for the books and her unwillingness to have the images in her head changed to a mass produced image. She points to Lord of the Rings and what happened to that:
I love my Eowyn, I love my Faramir. I do not love Miranda Otto and David Wenham, pretty as they may be. I do not love that visions of this book are so bottom-lined now, that the wonderfully unique experience of participating with a long-dead author in creating a world which exists for no one else has been replaced by enforced communal experience, that all our worlds are the same. Though it is a different essay entirely, the ultimate and natural destiny of books is not movies, and books have their own power which movies cannot effect. What movies can do is allow us all to experience the same things in approximately the same way, which is amazing, and sometimes horrible.
Posted by
1:49 PM
At Syntax of Things, lit bloggers have put together a list of underrated writers who deserve more attention:
we decided to ask a wide range of litbloggers to tell us the writers who aren't receiving the attention they should. We allowed the contributors to define "receiving attention" however they preferred, whether it be by the NYTBR, or all of print media, or the litbloggers, or some combination, basically however they chose to define it. We asked each to provide us with up to five names and a short explanation as to why each writer deserves more attention.
Posted by
11:11 AM
Matt Cheney does an interview with Joe Hill, the writer who is getting much attention for his new collection of short stories, 20th Century Ghosts. Hill has a Web site here. After hearing all the hype for Hill, I found the story "20th Century Ghost" in one of the recent The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror editions. It lived up to the hype. It was a smart, touching ghost story. Now, looking over the fiction section of Hill's Web site, I see that I have magazines in which his fiction appeared. That's what I get for not reading every story in my magazines.
Posted by
2:58 PM
Infinity Plus has printed an excerpt of Jeffrey Ford's "Cosmology of the Wider World." The excerpt is the whole first chapter. Check it out, I think you'll enjoy it. There's an added bonus as well. Ford introduces the excerpt with an explanation of his inspiration for the novella and says that he has over 100,000 words about Belius and his pals already written. Personally, I would love to see more of those stories. I hope he prints them.
While you're at Infinity Plus, check out the rest of the issue, which is a PS Publishing special. There's a new short story by Zoran Zivkovic as well as an introduction to his work by Tamar Yellin. Peter Crowther, the brains behind PS Publishing, also has a story and interview and there's a profile of Postscripts magazine.
And further, while I'm talking about online fiction, check out the Fortean Bureau, which has just published its latest issue. Among the delights is Nick Mamatas's latest column on short story collections.
And finally, SciFiction is still publishing in its final weeks. This week: Howard Waldrop's "The King of Where-I-Go" and Alfred Bester's "Star Light, Star Bright." Once again, I want to remind everyone of the EDSF Project to show our appreciation for SciFiction. Read some of the appreciations and sign up for your own story.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
Science fiction writer Gregory Benford has a new blog called Benford & Rose. His first entry is a discussion with Darrell Schweitzer on "What does the rise of fantasy mean?"
Posted by
10:57 AM
Robert Sheckley has died. It's a lousy day for genre fiction.
Posted by
3:19 PM
Labels: obit
I'm really loving Metaxucafe. Not only does it give me a chance to discuss issues with other bloggers and serve as inspiration to do a better blog, but it alerts me to many other lit bloggers out there and what excellent reading is to be had.
Just now, I came across Golden Rule Jones and a post quote Frederick Exley's "A Fan's Notes." Go there and read the quote, it's good writing.
Now I have a real jones to dig out my copy of that book and reread it. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed Exley's voice. To this day (I read it when I was maybe 21), I still remember little details from the book -- the way he reads the New York Times every Sunday, the definition of the word "apostasy," and Exley describing himself as a young man dressed in the style of Capote in scarf and hat -- although much of the larger details of plot have fallen away. It really was an excellent novel and one I'll have to go back to.
Posted by
2:06 PM
Kelly Armstrong writes about what she learned from NaNoWriMo. A professional writer, Armstrong still said she learned things about her writing process she had never known before or only suspected.
I've only recently found the blog Storytellers Unplugged. It's a joint blog filled with mini-essays by horror and dark fantasy writers like Gary Braunbeck, Douglas Clegg, Brian Keene, Tim Lebbon, Matt Schwarz, Scott Nicholson and many more. It's got a lot of great stuff, especially if you're interested in writing.
Posted by
9:24 AM
Labels: writing
Horror writer J.N. Williamson has died.
Posted by
8:48 AM
Labels: obit
I just finished Cosmology of the Wider World by Jeffrey Ford. It's terrific.
The book is about a minotaur, Belius, born to human parents. The book starts in the present day, Belius is living in the Wider World, a place only animals have access to. Belius lives in a coral tower where he writes his book, "The Cosmology of the Wider World." But something is missing from his life and he asks his friends for advice. As Belius' problems play out, we get glimpses of his past and how he got to the Wider World.
The book plays off ideas from Dante, "Frankenstein" and mythology, as well as the frailties of any outsider. The story is beautiful, sad, outrageous and just overall wonderful. I can't recommend it enough.
Ford has mentioned in other places that the Cosmology is part of a larger work he has been playing with over the years. In reading the book, one can see how more stories can be told about Belius and his friends. I hope Ford decides to put more of those stories out there.
And by the way, where does Ford come up with these names? He has a genius for naming characters. In this book alone there's Belius, Pezimote, Vashti, Thip, Scarfinati and Nona. He's created character names like Piambo, Cley and Drachton Below (my personal favorite). Even when he takes real names he uses them in weird ways, Antony Cleopatra as a guy. It's just one of the smaller things that makes Ford's work so terrific.
Now I'm waiting for "The Empire of Ice Cream," Ford's latest short story collection, due out next year. I've read most of the stories in the book and I can't wait to reread them, as well as the new story.
Posted by
1:37 PM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
Well, I went and done it. I've changed my blog template and spent a whole morning doing it. I found the template here. I've always liked the three column format and wanted to try it out. What do you all think? Feel free to criticize or make helpful suggestions.
The top left box, called "The Weird", includes a couple of quotes I found quickly. I actually like both of them a lot. And Mieville's idea of weird fiction was one of the reasons I picked the name Weirdwriter. (A name I've never been entirely happy with, but will stick with now that I've had it for a while.) I may change quotes if I find more or better ones.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Three great new appreciations have gone up at the EDSFProject. The first is Bob Urell's take on "A Man of Light" by Jeffrey Ford. "A Man of Light" is one of Ford's more perplexing stories, full of imagery and ideas and less powerfully set on characters. But Urell doesn't delve all that deeply into it. Instead, he offers what he feels reading a Jeffrey Ford story is like. And though I wouldn't have described it the same way, I still think he's right.
The second is Nathan Ballingrud's appreciation of Struwwelpeter by Glenn Hirshberg. It's a perfect combination of two horror writers (and two new bloggers). Ballingrud focuses on the writing, the little details that make the story sing.
The third is Tim Pratt's appreciation of Over Yonder by Lucius Shephard. This is a story I haven't read, but you can always be sure that a Shephard story is worth your while, and Pratt does an excellent job telling you why.
Have you done your part for SciFiction and signed up to do an appreciation of a story? There are still about 150 stories left. There isn't a clunker to be found in the bunch. Pick one out and tell the world how much you liked it. SciFiction is nearly gone and we should be celebrating its existence.
Posted by
2:07 PM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
There is an interesting conversation going on in the comments section of Matthew Cheney's review of Princess of Roumania about how some people just can't read trilogies. Cheney points out how he has given up on one after another:
I think I have trouble picking something up, putting it down, and returning to it—once a book is finished, I want to be done with it. I hate partial anything. It annoys me with new books, because if I’m going to invest the time and money in a book, I want it to be a complete experience. Oftentimes, I think publishers and writers are just trying to scam as much money out of readers as they can, and I resent it. (Though I realize it has a long, long history, going back to the earliest days of printing. Venerable tradition never stopped me from resenting anything, alas...)
Posted by
1:37 PM
Thanks for all your advice yesterday on the pop-up problem and counter suggestions. I've now gotten ride of webstats4u and put in a MyBlogLog and StatCounter counters. Pretty soon, I'll add MyBlogLog's top 5 links counter as well.
Blogger has been acting kind of funny as well lately. You try to make changes to your template and you have to go through republishing at least two or three times before it takes. I've got a couple of years of posts on this blog, but you wouldn't think that would cause all these error messages. Oh well, it works eventually.
In the next few days, I may be absent from the Internet. I've got a new computer and I've got to set it up and get my Internet connection up and running. With any luck, that won't take too long.
Posted by
12:25 PM
At MetaxuCafe, Bud Parr is asking people to list their favorite bookstores. He gives his favorites and many other people are adding their thoughts to the comments. I've added mine, Books by the Falls, of course, being one of them. Go over there and give your recommendations.
Posted by
11:30 AM
Every time I've stopped by this blog today, I've encountered a pop-up ad. I've written to Blogger support to see why this is happening. If this turns out to be Blogger or Blogspot putting these ads on my page, I may have to consider my options. I really hate pop-up ads, especially ones that claim to be helping you with "Windows registry."
Until that's sorted out, my apologies to anyone encountering pop-up ads when they visit here.
UPDATE: Thanks to Chris in my comments, I've found out that my stats counter is the problem. Here's the
explanation he linked for me:
Scince NedStat basic has been sold pop-up banners appear on the sites featuring the free counter. Many people have reacted in shock and many announced to remove the counter from their websites.
Nedstat has been sold and is now called Webstats4u (yeah, agreed, its a lame name). In the news is that the statistics pages will generate popups on the websites using NedStat.
At this moment I dont see pop-ups appear on my websites but as soon as they begin to appear I will remove all Nedstat Basic counters from all websites I maintain. With pain in my heart as the MOTAS counter registered over 15295461 pageviews up to now.
The reason for the popups is that developement costs money. Sadly they don't mention they just bought all so there wasn't any developement costs to begin with besides a new site lay out.
We want the old NedStat back!
Posted by
10:53 AM
Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog and author of Throat Sprockets and The Book of Renfield, started a new blog a few weeks ago called Video WatchBlog.
You should bookmark it immediately if you're interested in horror and other genre films. He writes fascinating articles on so many things and his knowledge of horror seems to be endless. Take, for instance, his look at Cronenberg's "The Fly" and why certain scenes were deleted. He's also written interesting reviews on Showtime's Masters of Horror series, so far he's done Homecoming, Jenifer, Chocolate, Dreams in the Witch House and Incident On and Off a Mountain Road. And that's only the start. Be sure to check the archives, he's got insights into Italian horror films, the old Superman series and Hitchcock. Well worth your time.
Posted by
10:51 AM
I went to my favorite books store this weekend. I wasn't expecting much, as I didn't have a lot of money, but they were having a 50 percent off sale so I picked up a few things:
Posted by
10:29 AM
Glen Hirshberg has reprinted the introduction to his story Mr. Dark's Carnival on his blog. The post expounds on his love of haunted houses and goes into why he doesn't read or write horror for catharsis. It's a thoughtful post, I'd quote some here, but I'd think you'd get more out of it if you read the whole thing. The story, Mr. Dark's Carnival (sorry, no link), is great, as are Hirshberg's other stories.
I tend to agree with Hirshberg on that subject. The best horror stories don't end with the closing of the covers, they linger in the mind and make you think or just simply haunt you. Think of the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft or Thomas Ligotti: Those stories explicitly leave the reader thinking about a world larger and more dangerous than most people have ever imagined. A scary monster that jumps off the page and says boo! can be fun (god knows I like them), but it's not the best horror can do.
Posted by
2:48 PM
I've started visiting and have become a member of MetaxuCafe. It's a place for literary bloggers and people who read literary blogs. The front page is set up like Arts & Letters Daily or The Page, except with headlines and comments from literary bloggers. There's a page for all the headlines of the day. Inside, there's a forum to discuss blogging and literature and the meeting of both. It seems like a really good service and I'm trying to get more deeply involved in it.
In other news, I've nearly completed changing my blog roll. I've taken some sites out and added others. If you have questions about why you were placed in one category or another, ask away and I'll try to explain myself. Also, if you want to tell me if the links are more helpful this way, or if you have other suggestions, feel free.
Posted by
1:41 PM
The Slush God led me to his article on a sequel being written to A.E. Van Vogt's Null-A series. I can't understand this interest in writing sequels to books by dead authors. John Gregory Betancourt did it with the Amber books and a sequel to Blade Runner (more of a sequel to the movie though) was written. (Sorry, no link, I can't remember its title or who wrote it.) There was also those prequels to Dune.
I can't understand why any writer would want to do this. For a check, I suppose. Does the writer, John C. Wright, know anything about General Semantics, the inspiration and guiding order behind the Null-A books? The books are a lot of fun whether you buy GS or not. Still, with the inspiration left behind, could the books go on. And really, should they go on without Van Vogt?
I'm a huge fan of Van Vogt. His writing is so weird and original (while certainly being very pulpy). I can't imagine anyone pulling off his kind of writing.
Looking on the bright side of things, maybe this will mean more of Van Vogt's books will be reprinted. You can already pick up the World of Null-A. You can read the first chapter of that book here.
Posted by
10:30 AM
Ted Chiang looks at "Technology, magic and consciousness" and starts opposing magic vs science. It's quite an odd argument, especially when you are talking about real world science vs. fictional world magic. Jeff Vandermeer and his Evil Monkey are inspired by a locked door and a bottle of vodka to go on an extended discussion of the subject. He finds Chiang's argument unsatisfying. So now, Cheryl Morgan has jumped in and redefines the whole thing. See if you can follow along.
Posted by
3:21 PM
I often wonder if other people are as obsessed with author's ages as I am. I've wanted to write fiction since I was, I don't know, 8 or 10. Yet, in college I chose journalism instead and have had a steady career in that. But I've never given up on the dream to write fiction and I've never stopped writing it.
Now, I'm 35 with 12 years of journalism behind me and not a single published short story. Of course, this worries me and makes me think I'm one of those wannabes who whines about writing and never does anything about it. But it's not true, I write constantly, I'm just never happy with it. In the last few years, I've made a more serious effort in improving my fiction and I'm working toward submitting it.
All of this is just preamble to why I'm obsessed with author's ages. I'm constantly trying to find out how old an author was when they published their first short story. Almost down the line, they were 20 to 25 years old. They don't always meet with terrific success at that age, but they've already begun submitting and selling.
Gene Wolfe -- one of the late bloomers as far as publishing goes -- had his first story published in 1965 when he was 34 (according to The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction) and his first novel in 1970 when he 39. Even with him, I've already missed a deadline!
The thing is, this is all pretty silly. There's no age limit to writing. As long as a writer keeps at it with dedication, there's no limit to the age he can begin. I certainly don't look at someone's age when I'm reading a story. I just worry I've passed my prime, my window of opportunity to be a fiction writer has passed. But that's silly, it's all just some neurosis of mine.
Posted by
1:38 PM
Labels: writing
So Nanowrimo has come to a close for everyone. It looks like more than 9,700 people have won this year. I have no idea how many joined, so I really can't say what that means.
Cybele, Morrow Planet and Ruth Nestvold are among the winners. Congratulations to them and everyone else.
Writer Ian McDonald has some thoughts on Nanowrimo:
Depressed by all the eager beavers in the NaNoWriMo horde --but I just know that I tried to crack out that much wordage in a month, it would be excrement --I'd be writing ahead of myself. I need to think and think carefully about who's going where why how and what he or she needs to achieve and develop from it. I know from past experience (even though I write from a detailed synopsis that the book gets sold on) that if I can't see where I'm going --a kind of literary relativity where events ahead are so foreshortened I can't navigate around them) --it results in slack, reactive and indulgent writing. Two pages a day (bit more because I'm playing catch-up, as Henry Kelly used to say on 'Going for Gold') But hats off to those who can, and did.
Posted by
10:15 AM
Labels: writing
Paula Guran gets outraged over SciFi Channel's $10 million marketing plan for its new show "Triangle." The main feature of this plan: Socks. Not pairs of socks, but single socks left in various places.
The reason this galls so much, outside of the ridiculous amount of money spent on advertising a miniseries, is the idea that 1/100th of that budget could have been used to keep SciFiction going.
Speaking of which, The EDSF Project, have you picked out your story yet and written an appreciation? Well, why not? And don't forget that until January, new fiction is still going up at SciFiction.
Posted by
11:54 AM
Well, I've done it. I've completed Nanowrimo 2005. This makes the third time I've completed the event. (I joined up last year, but gave up in the first week.) I did about 50,700 words. The story came to an end with the characters off on a new quest.
I feel a little depressed now that I'm finished. I didn't do as much with it as I hoped I could. I accomplished a few things though:
Posted by
11:30 AM
Labels: writing
My appreciation of Marc Laidlaw's Jane is up at the EDSF Project. Give it a read and, more importantly, read the original story. And while you're at it, there's some other great appreciations like Matt Cheney on "High Weir" or Mike Morrow on "The Transcendent Tigers, and plenty of others.
Also, the Project is still looking for people to sign up for stories. There's more than 300 stories, many of which are science fiction classics, so pick out a story and write something about it.
Posted by
9:05 AM
Well, it was the Thanksgiving weekend but I still managed to get a lot of writing done. And then I took a day off Sunday, which was nice. Today, I got back to things and wrote another 3,000 words, the most I've done in one day. I'm trying to wrap things up and I'm at 49,820 words now. I'll definitely be done tomorrow.
My novel seems to be an "And Plot" type of story, as recorded in the Turkey City Lexicon:
And plot
Picaresque plot in which this happens, and then that happens, and then something else happens, and it all adds up to nothing in particular.
Posted by
12:46 PM
Labels: writing
The links bar to the right may look a little odd for a while. I'm going to make some changes to it, make it more useful. Currently, I've added categories Authors, Online Fiction, and Random. There will be more categories to come and links will be sorted out. Some links will be removed, many will be added. It could take a while though. If you have any suggestions or other changes you'd like to see on this blog, use that button labeled comments below (or e-mail me at w3irdwrit3r at
Posted by
3:22 PM
My characters are dealing with the death of that main character from two chapters ago. All rather sad, but necessary. I wrote another 1,700 words today.
I find it interesting that I write almost the exact same way everday. I wake up, avoid writing for about an hour. Then I write about 400 words in one big gulp. Then, I go do something else (laundry, dishes, reading, whatever) and waste another hour avoiding the story. Then I go back and do another 400 to 600 words. And then on and off for the next hour I write a paragraph here, a paragraph there, until I manage to get over 1,666. I almost always end over 1,700 words. This pattern continues almost every single day. Is my brain just geared to writing a certain number of words before a distraction is required? I remember reading that A.E. Van Vogt always wrote in 800 word chunks. He would work his characters into a problem in that many words, then go relax and think about the situation until he found a way out. I wonder if this kind of thing is common among all writers?
I'm up to 40,938, about a day and a half worth of writing ahead of where I have to be. I still would like to add some more to that, but tomorrow it's going to be hard to do that. And since I don't know if I'll be posting again, I'll just say happy Thanksgiving to all you Americans out there, and to everyone else, have a happy Nov. 24.
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: writing
I'm still a little worried that killing off that character yesterday may have been a bad move. He may have been an emotional center of the novel, although I'm not sure I ever pulled that aspect off. So instead, today's writing, all 1,800 words of it, was all action. People on motorbikes duking it out try to deliver a message. Fun stuff. Belongs, at best, to the pulps. Still, nothing wrong with that. The novel is now at 39,165 words. Just another 11,000 or so to go. I'm wondering if I can wrap this novel up in 50,000 words. If I don't, I guess it's not a problem, I'll just have to keep writing into December. I would hate to just drop the thing.
Posted by
1:51 PM
Labels: writing
Jeffrey Ford has posted his short story "Bright Morning" at 14theditch. The story is one of the best (although its so hard to pick a "best" one) stories from The Fantasy Writer's Assistant and Other Stories. It's such a terrific collection, if you haven't picked it up by now, do it! It'll be the best thing you've done for yourself in years. (By the way, Matt Cheney was inspired by Ford's story post to put up a portion of the interview he did with Ford in Fantasy Magazine.)
I'm waiting now for The Empire of Ice Cream, Ford's next collection.
In other news, I got my copy of "The Cosmology of the Wider World" from Shocklines. I can't wait to read it, but I've kept away from fiction while I'm doing Nanowrimo. I'm sure I'll write more about it in December.
And one more thing, there are appreciations of Ford's "Empire of Ice Cream" and "The Scribble Mind," as well as Ford's own appreciation of Gardner Dozois' "Fairy Tale," up at the EDSF Project. Check them out, and while you're there, sign up for a story to appreciate. I should be sending my appreciation out in the next day or so.
Posted by
1:01 PM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
Today I actually killed off a main character. I can't decide if it was a good idea or not. Too late now, I've got to plunge ahead with Nanowrimo. I'm up to 37,350 words, which is about a day ahead of where I need to be. I would like to gain a little more than that, because Thanksgiving weekend may be tough. We'll have to see if I can pad up the next few chapters.
Posted by
12:35 PM
Labels: writing
Have a few minutes to blog this weekend. I just completed Chapter 19, I'm now at 34,117 words. I am being so consistent, it's thrilling. My chapters all seem to naturally end at around the 1,700 word mark. The process feels great and even some of the chapters don't feel as lousy as they once did.
I've been taking to cliffhangers. Actually, every time I've done Nanowrimo, cliffhangers have inserted themselves into my work. I think it comes with working without a net. You just naturally lead your characters into some kind of trouble and the next day you try to figure out how to get them out. In my case, I've put three sets of characters into cliffhangers. Now I have to figure how to get each one of them out, keep the overarching plot moving and bring these three groups back together again. And I'm looking forward to it.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Labels: writing
Cheryl Morgan says she has a bad feeling about an attempt to remake The Prisoner. Here's what SciFi Wire says:
Damien Timmer, who has been lined up to executive-produce the show for Granada, told Broadcast the new series would take "liberties with the original" and would not retain its arty feel.
Posted by
3:53 PM
Not much to say about Nanowrimo today either. I did another 1,700 or so words. That seems to be my usual amount. I'm up to 32,374. Moving right along.
I do wonder how I can resolve my plot. I have plenty of action and things happening, but there's no overarching theme or story for the whole thing. I guess that's what happens when you don't plan out far enough and you're writing as fast as you can. Ah well, it's all grist for the mill. I'm sure I can use some of this stuff after I rewrite.
Posted by
11:52 AM
Labels: writing
At Morrow Planet, Mike starts a new meme, based on this article. So show your geek cred and bold the novels you've read:
1. The HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Douglas Adams
2. Nineteen Eighty-Four -- George Orwell
3. Brave New World -- Aldous Huxley
4. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? -- Philip Dick
5. Neuromancer -- William Gibson
6. Dune -- Frank Herbert
7. I, Robot -- Isaac Asimov
8. Foundation -- Isaac Asimov
9. The Colour of Magic -- Terry Pratchett
10. Microserfs -- Douglas Coupland
11. Snow Crash -- Neal Stephenson
12. Watchmen -- Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons
13. Cryptonomicon -- Neal Stephenson
14. Consider Phlebas -- Iain M Banks
15. Stranger in a Strange Land -- Robert Heinlein
16. The Man in the High Castle -- Philip K Dick
17. American Gods -- Neil Gaiman
18. The Diamond Age -- Neal Stephenson
19. The Illuminatus! Trilogy -- Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson
20. Trouble with Lichen - John Wyndham
12 out of 20, not too bad. Do I lose geek cred if I say I'd never heard of No. 20? I have read some of Wyndham's other work however.
Posted by
9:13 AM
Wrote another 1,748 words, bringing me up to 30,657. Not too shabby I think.
I don't have much more to say about that, so let's talk a little about SciFiction and the EDSF Project. First off, more than a hundred people have signed up to the Project. That's great! But there's still hundreds more stories to be appreciated, so if you haven't already, go sign up to write about a story!
While you're there, check out some of the appreciations that have already gone up. (For instance, Jeffrey Ford's appreciation of Gardner Dozois' "Fairy Tale.")
In other places, La Gringa called Ellen Datlow, the editor of SciFiction, and checked on her well being. Gringa says:
Anyway, it was nice to talk to Ellen. She sounds upbeat and positive about the whole situation, and is looking toward projects for the future. She said that she's been overwhelmed by the kindness and grace flowing in her direction out of the skiffy community the past few days.
Well, my dear Miz Datlow, on behalf of the skiffy community at large, may I just say this?
You have earned this community's respect.
Posted by
1:25 PM
Labels: writing
With the death of SciFiction, people are looking for what they can do. Well, I offer two things.
First, write to and tell them how you feel about SciFiction. Don't be insulting and don't slam the SciFi Channel. Instead, tell SciFi Channel why SciFiction is great and why you are disappointed in seeing it go and ask them to reconsider their decision. Who knows, if enough people do this maybe they will actually think about it.
Second, check out The ED SF Project. (I believe that stands for the Ellen Datlow SciFiction Project, but I haven't seen it spelled out.) It's a blog put together by Dave Schwartz to show appreciation for the five and a half years of great stories SciFiction has put up.
Here's my idea.
By my count there are 320+ stories archived at the site. I'm willing to bet that there are that many SF writers/critics/fans/what have you who have some sort of presence on the web. So I'm thinking, let's all of us write an appreciation of one of the stories.
Posted by
11:44 AM
Today I wrote 1,700 words on my Nanowrimo novel (still without a title by the way). I wrote from a different character's perspective and I think the interaction between him and a military man was written pretty well. I think I captured the ego one-upmanship between them. I'll have to wait to re-read it before I can decide how well it turned out. As always, I'm doubtful of my own abilities. Tomorrow's chapter will head back to character viewpoints I've been writing from all along.
Posted by
11:39 AM
Labels: writing
I've reached the halfway point in Nanowrimo and I'm up to 27,199 words. Today started out slow. I found myself unable to avoid my Avoidance Techniques (patent pending) and slowly worked my way toward the novel. However, once I got started the plot rolled right along. I split a few characters up, brought a couple of them together and headed towards some confrontations. There was even an action scene today. Not bad for one set of 1,900 or so words. I'm feeling pretty good heading into the second half of November.
Mike at Morrow Planet is trying to catch up. He's currently at 20,023 words. But his dedication to writing has even inspired his daughter to say her first sentence. Congratulations Mike.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Labels: writing
According to Rome's official Web site, the HBO show is coming back for a second season. This pleases me. I've been watching it all season long and was getting a bit worried about the show. There doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about it out there. This weekend's episode was particularly good with an extraordinarily bloody fight scene at the end.
The show isn't up to the quality of the Sopranos, but it's still one of the best things on TV right now. Anybody else watching this show? Like it or hate it, tell me what you think.
Posted by
3:47 PM
By now you've all heard the terrible news. SciFiction will be no more thanks to decisions made by the SciFi Channel. Here's Ellen Datlow's message about it. And there has already been some great commentary on this. And all of the links I've mentioned so far were really easy to find. I imagine there's a lot more people out there talking about this.
There's also Datlow's message board as well. Here's where they are discussing the loss. Of course, this means Datlow needs a job. Someone out there must be smart enough to create a magazine for her, or install her in one already in existence. She really is one of the best editors in the science fiction, fantasy, horror genres there is. This is the woman who discovered William Gibson. She has published all of the big names. I really hope she gets something new soon. In the meantime, check out her own Web site at
This is a huge blow to the Internet science fiction community, as well as the science fiction community in general. SciFi channel is making a big mistake. How much could this be costing them? Certainly less than those crappy movies they make. And it adds prestige and, oh yeah, actual good science fiction to their channel. But prestige doesn't make you money.
There are other markets of course, but it's just sad to see. Take a look through the SciFiction archive and read some of the great stories available before the SciFi Channel takes them down.
UPDATE: You know, I'm starting to rethink some of my more sarcastic comments about SciFi Channel. I still think it's stupid for them to cancel SciFiction. However, I would like to note that it has been wonderful of them to put this up in the first place and to keep it running longer than most people thought it would. So, SciFi channel, thanks for what you have done for us, some of it has been really great. Now what are you going to do?
Posted by
1:02 PM
I do indeed fall behind on Nanowrimo on the weekends. I wrote every day, but each day was just short of the 1,666 minimum I need. I was ahead of the game before the weekend began and I wrote about 1,800 words today, so I'm probably still ahead of where I need to be. In fact, my word count is now over 25,000 words, so I'm more than half way there. And tomorrow is the half-way date. But each day does drag a little. As long as I don't try to overwrite (push myself too far beyond the 2,000 word a day goal) I seem to be OK.
At Fast Fiction, Cybele is only on her fourth writing day and she has more than 16,000 words. She says she's behind where she wants to be, but I can't see her not making it at this point.
Not too much other Nanowrimo news out there. Hope everybody's keeping their word counts up.
Posted by
12:20 PM
Labels: writing
Not much to say really. Day 9 took slightly longer to get rolling, but still didn't take all that long in the end. I did about 1,800 words, which is not bad.
On the Web, well I haven't seen much actually. Mehitobel Wilson (who wrote a great horror story, The Mannerly Man," in The Darker Side) started up Nanowrimo only to be derailed by an actual writing contract. Can't blame her there. Also specficrider is up to 10,000 words.
Posted by
2:06 PM
Labels: writing
Abigail Nussbaum at Asking the Wrong Questions has a great look at what was right and wrong with Babylon 5. My feelings on the show are very close to hers, except I don't have the excuse of being 15 when I first watched it.
Posted by
12:56 PM
I've completed another 1,800 words today. My plot has moved along and some new complications have occurred to me. This is all to the good. I'm really happy with how easy this has been so far for me.
In the past, I've always met resistance pretty early and get behind. This year I'm ahead. My chapter process is working well. Part of the reason I believe that's helping me is that I don't try to do too much. I work on my idea and get it finished in 2,000 words (or thereabouts) and I don't try to move onto the next thing in the same day. Instead, I let my subconscious stew over the plot and characters and usually by the next morning I have somewhere to go with it all.
Anyway, I think that's why it's working. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I won't be able to write more than 100 words.
As for Nanowrimo on the Web, one thing everyone must check out is the blog Paperback Writer. In just the past few days, she has had Ten things for writers that cost nothing, 12 step editing and 10 things for Nanowrimo'ers. I'm going to be checking this blog out more and more often.
Found through Paperback Writer, Wired News has an article on Nanowrimo.
And that's it writing wise for me today. Good luck writing.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Labels: writing
Well, I've made it through the weekend intact. I've written three more chapters, each over the 1,666 words and one over 2,000. I've got a total of 13,529 words now.
Things are going exceedingly well with Nanowrimo this year. Well, the writing sucks, so exceedingly might be an overstatement. But I'm not feeling stymied, it just seems to flow from me. Characters get deeper as I go, action develops and plot moves on.
Unfortunately, I still don't know where I'm going with all of this. I need to think further down the line and where all these characters are going to end up and what they are going to achieve. All in its good time though. In the meantime, I'm just glad things are working.
I see there is another blogger (and speculative fiction writer) who is doing Nanowrimo. Good luck Ruth Nestvold.
Posted by
1:30 PM
Labels: writing
My friend, Millie, has posted a little article I wrote on 10 scary movie scenes. Check it out, and check the rest of the site out. She's got some interesting reviews of scary movies at FearScene.
Posted by
1:28 PM
Another day complete. I wrote 1,919 words. Pretty good, best day since the first day. And it moved along well, no slow searching for where to go like yesterday. All well and good. But tomorrow begins the real test. It's the weekend. Normally, I'm not online (so don't expect much in the way of updates until Monday) and try to spend as much time with my fiancee as possible. Squeezing in some writing may be difficult. I know I can take out my AlphaSmart Neo in the morning and get some writing done while she watches her Food Channel shows. Unless of course we have some errands we have to do. An obstacle to be overcome.
In fact, this is where my chapter plan may run into problems. In past years, I could get a lot more words in ahead of time and not struggle the next day. (Although, I'd then end up struggling somewhere else down the line.) But with the chapters, I like to end one chapter and then spend one night thinking about the next. This way I come to it fresh and ready to go. But if I fall behind, making that up will be tough. Well, I'll report back on Monday and tell you how it all turned out.
Meanwhile, there's been some more writing about Nanowrimo.
At Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, the contest inspires Sarah to write about first novels, deadlines and rewriting.
At Return of the Reluctant, Edward Champion offers the writing advice of Jack Bunyan. It's not pretty.
Writer Jim Winter is using Nanowrimo to write his novel Road Rules, here's the category that has all the entries about it.
Paperback Writer offers ten things for Nanowrimo'ers.
And through that same Web site, I found a link to this piece of advice:
I am so insanely tired of all the nanowrimo idiots who post about their characters and how they have a journal and what they had for lunch... STFU about your novel. No one cares. STFU about your characters. You are an attention-starved moron.
Posted by
12:29 PM
Labels: writing
Lemmy, mastermind of Motorhead, appeared before the Welsh assembly and called for the legalization of heroin. Here's some quotes:
[Heroin] turns them into thieves and liars.
It removes them from the social circle. All they are thinking about is junk.
They will do anything. They will sell everything they've got and steal yours and sell that.
You can't keep people from doing what makes them feel good. The reason they do heroin in the first place is because of the oblivion it gives them.
He met junkies on the music scene and described how one woman he lived with tried the drug "to see what it was like". She died within three years, and was one of many people he said he had known killed by heroin.
He explained how his hatred of the drug was so strong he once turned in a dealer to the police, who then went to jail. But he said the dealer was freed in about six months.
If you send a young heroin user to prison he will “certainly be a criminal when he comes out“.
“Probably, they will also be brutally sodomised by long-term prisoners and polarised against society in general, and force of law in particular.”
Reading from a pre-written speech, he went on: “You have tried heavier and heavier policing – it hasn’t worked has it?
“Know why? It’s because you cannot keep people from doing what makes them feel good.
“If a junkie has a regular supply of heroin, most are quite able to do a job.
“They will never rehabilitate until somebody – you – gives them a chance to.”
Q: Hi this is for Lemmy.
I am Oliver and I am starting a band. Do you have any tips and can you think of some band names for me? I have been a big Motorhead fan for years and I still am. I also came to see your concert at Apollo.
Lemmy: (1) Don't get any married men or men w/live-in girldfriends in the band! Names? Ripsaw/Stranglefoot - I dunno!! Good luck.
Posted by
3:29 PM