Godzilla gets his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Posted by Hello
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
This much Mieville knows
China Mieville tells the Guardian what he knows:
"I'm in this business for the monsters. My single favourite monsters are the beastmen in The Island of Doctor Moreau. I love the octopoid creatures and the giant swine spirit in William Hope Hodgson. I have a lot of time for pig monsters. I've always liked being terrified of monsters from underwater coming up, like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. There's a picture of Beatrix Potter's Jeremy Fisher with the trout about to bite his foot and he hasn't seen it yet. Completely terrifying."
Posted by
12:29 PM
Friday, November 05, 2004
Giant squid on the march
This story is fun for its headline alone: Giant squid 'taking over world.' According to the article, giant squid have a greater biomass on the planet than humans do. Apparently, there are fewer predators of these cephalapods.
The scientists in the story seem to refer to cephalapods without mention of giant squid. I wonder if they mean giant squid or just squid in general? And if it is true that there are so many giant squid, why haven't we captured a live one yet? I don't get it. The world continues to confound us.
Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: giant squid
Friday, October 29, 2004
Article on horror writers
Although this article starts out with the obnoxious subhead "Horror is back, but this time with attitude and a sense of character development" and says things like "And some of those younger writers are telling stories in a hipper way, moving away from the standard widow’s-peaked vampires, moon-howling werewolves, and decaying zombies", it's actually a pretty good article profiling the prominent members of the Horror Writers Association New England chapter. Among the authors profiled: Jon Merz, Holly Newstein, Rick Hautala and Christopher Golden. There's also a brief look at the horror fiction business.
(Link via Bookslut.)
Posted by
12:47 PM
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Giant squid news
Well, I've nearly let a whole season of giant squid news get by me. So here is some quick links about giant squid and a few other creatures of the deep, enjoy.
- A giant squid that washed up in New Zealand in August has been confirmed as one of the largest ever found.
- Greenpeace is fighting to stop bottom trawling, a technique that uses nets to scour the bottoms of the ocean, destroying everything else in its path. Among the many species endangered by bottom trawling, according to Greenpeace: Giant Squid.
- There's some unusual behavior by squid (with pic) in the northwest. Imagine a beach covered in dead Humboldt squid.
- And most importantly, the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University in New Haven has the opening of the exhibition "In Search of the Giant Squid." It's going to be at the museum until January and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in the giant squid. At the exhibition, I learned of another fascinating cephalapod: the Vampire Squid:
William Beebe (1926) described V. infernalis as "a very small but terrible octopus, black as night with ivory white jaws and blood red eyes". Despite this horrific description, V. infernalis is a rather docile animal, and most often hangs motionless in the water column, with only slight movements of the fins for balance.
- Not a cephalapod, but interesting nonetheless: scientists have managed to recreate an ancient sea spider, adding a link in the evolutionary chain. (with pic)
- My girlfriend won this awesome poster of "Monsters of the Deep" recently, but the film (or show?) it advertises seems to have completely disappeared. According to the seller, "The film is so rare that it is not even listed in the Internet Movie Database, but my Library of Congress book shows it to be from 1932." Anyone know anything about this film? The poster of a giant manta ray is just too cool.
Posted by
11:54 AM
Labels: giant squid
Friday, October 22, 2004
Films and the story of your life
Edward Champion follows up a post by J-Fly and comes up with something for me to blog about. Here's the two step process and my answers:
STEP ONE: Name your five favorite films off the top of your head and write brief summary.
GODZILLA: A giant monster attacks Tokyo. Only one man has the ability to destroy it, but he refuses to bring his invention into the world because it will only cause more destruction. He eventually gives in, but only by killing himself and with it, the formula for the devastating weapon.
CITIZEN KANE: A man rebels against his rich guardian, starts a newspaper and becomes a rich tycoon. In the process, he loses the ideals he once stood for.
ROYAL TENENBAUMS: An absent patriarch returns to his family to stop his wife from remarrying. In the process, he learns what he has missed and decides to make it up to them.
NIGHT OF THE HUNTER: Serial killer hides behind the word of God and tries to get the secret of hidden money from two children. They escape downriver and are only saved by the kindness of a true Christian woman who takes in stray children.
STAR WARS TRILOGY: (OK, technically not one movie) Young Skywalker is thrown into adventure and finds religion. In the process, he redeems his father who has been turned to the dark side.
STEP TWO: "Chances are, those films will tell essentially the same story. And chances are, your films will tell that story too. Because that is your story."
So here's what I see the common theme to be: People sin in some way and must take responsibility for their actions, otherwise they are destroyed.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Friday, October 08, 2004
The Fortean Bureau Blog
The Fortean Bureau, a great place for speculative fiction online, now has The Fortean Bureau Blog. It's a collection of weird links. You know, the kind of thing I used to do when this blog was updated on a daily basis. Or, more recently, what Professor Hex does so well.
And speaking of The Fortean Bureau, they've started running a column by Nick Mamatas, called Please Kill Me. The second episode is about the kind of literary writer that would appeal to speculative fiction readers. Well worth your time.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Writing: Avoiding it and new gadgets for it
Rick Klaw has written a fun article on the strategies writers use to avoid writing. Jonathan Carroll uses the word pochkey for the way writers find paper clips and dirty dishes far more fascinating at the moment they need to write. I also like Jeffrey Ford's justification for avoiding writing:
All that brain bubbling, day dreaming, loafing, is part of the deal. Actually, it's an important part of the deal. Show me someone who can't squander time sitting in a graveyard, drinking MD 20/20, or engage in a contest against a kid to see who has the truer aim with a dart pistol, training your sights on a wind-up penguin, or teach a dog how to sing Jingle Bells, and I'll show you a potential failure at the writing game. When my wife catches me on the couch, napping, I tell her, "Hey, baby, I'm the hardest working man in town."
All this is even more interesting to me because I've gone ahead and signed up for another year of Nanowrimo. I'm also trying to write a few other things before October is finished.
To facilitate all this writing I want to do, I've picked up a new gadget. The Alphasmart Neo is basically a keyboard with a word processing program attached. It's smaller than a laptop and hooks up to your computer through a USB cable to download your writings.
The good thing about this is the Neo offers nothing other than writing tools. No Internet connection. No games. And I won't be locked down to one room. So now I'll have no excuse not to write. I ordered the Neo last night and am told the company usually delivers in a week. I'll write my thoughts on it after I receive it.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Labels: writing
Thursday, September 30, 2004
H.P. Lovecraft biography returns to print
Necronomicon Press is reprinting S.T. Joshi's "H.P. Lovecraft: A Life." The book is being released on Oct. 1. This is supposed to be the definitive biography of Lovecraft. Copies of the original go for at least $100 and many times much more. And Joshi is the preeminent Lovecraft scholar. You can see some of his writing on his Web site and he is featured at the Lovecraft section of The Modern Word.
If you're interested in Lovecraft, get this book now, before it sells out.
Posted by
1:26 PM
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Faster pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Russ Meyer has died. Here is Roger Ebert's take on Meyers. Ebert, of course, wrote the screenplay for "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls."
Posted by
4:24 PM
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Anne Rice speaks
Several people have linked to this around the Internet so I feel I should march along. Anne Rice has apparently gotten fed up with Amazon reviewers and has written her own review of "Blood Canticle." She strikes back at her critics.
Getting really close to the subject matter is the achievement of only great art. Now, if it doesn't appeal to you, fine. You don't enjoy it? Read somebody else. But your stupid arrogant assumptions about me and what I am doing are slander. And you have used this site as if it were a public urinal to publish falsehood and lies. I'll never challenge your democratic freedom to do so, and yes, I'm answering you, but for what it's worth, be assured of the utter contempt I feel for you, especially those of you who post anonymously (and perhaps repeatedly?) and how glad I am that this book is the last one in a series that has invited your hateful and ugly responses.
But I leave it to readers to discover how this complex and intricate novel establishes itself within a unique, if not unrivalled series of book. There are things to be said. And there is pleasure to be had. And readers will say wonderful things about Blood Canticle and they already are. There are readers out there and plenty of them who cherish the individuality of each of the chronicles which you so flippantly condemn.
The review has a "real name" badge next to it, which means that if this isn't the real Anne Rice, it's somebody who has a credit card in her name (or access to her computer.)
You know, I kind of want to make fun of her for this, but I feel kind of sad. She's got tons of money and a rather rabid following. She's got (what appears to be) a happy family. (Well, her husband died recently, could that have anything to do with this?) Why get this upset over the crazies at Amazon? Does it really drive you that nuts that a few people make nasty comments about you?
I enjoyed the first few Vampire Chronicles novels, but haven't read them in years. If this is any indication where Rice's mind is at, I don't think I need to read any more anyway. (But one never knows, there are plenty of good writers who are neurotic, dysfunctional or just crazy.) Ah well, it's all kind of sad.
Looking at the negative reviews, there are a lot of them and many of them are by anonymous reviewers. But there's enough bad reviews from people who do leave their names that maybe Anne should realize, perhaps there is a problem with the book?
Posted by
3:44 PM
Undead salmon heart
Here's an item from a TV station. On a fishing expedition, producer cuts up a salmon. Later they find the fish heart on the bottom of the boat and still beating. There's a video of it beating at the site. Weird.
Posted by
1:59 PM
Resistance is futile
This essay compares the Borg's cube spaceship to the Christian conception of heaven as it is spelled out in Revelations. When we go to heaven, we will be Borg. You will be assimilated.
(Link via Website @ the End of the Universe)
Posted by
1:52 PM
Observations from the bottom of the page
I just noticed this blog: One Million Footnotes. The writer makes footnotes to nonexistent pages. Half of the entries come out like haikus, the other half as just interesting prose sentences. It's the kind of thing you check in on once a month or so, just because it's intriguing. The writer has gotten through 200 footnotes from May to today, how long will it be before he makes a million?
Apparently this person, Geoff Huth, is a crazed blogger, having eight blogs on blogspot alone. This one he apparently considers his home page.
Posted by
12:58 PM
The day the laughter stopped
One of the truly great blogs is leaving this sphere. The Minor Fall, The Major Lift was one of the first blogs I started reading. And he was probably the funniest on his best days. I'll miss him/her/it. For others in mourning, Sarah of Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind has set up a Requiem for a Blogger, where everyone can share their thoughts on TMF,TML's passing.
This might be even more sad if Ed Champion hadn't retracted his own retirement.
Posted by
11:10 AM
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Looking toward NaNoWriMo
Wow, signups for NaNoWriMo are less than a month away. And I still haven't decided if I'll participate this year. I'm leaning toward "yes." Last year was a bit of a downer for me. About 2,000 words into the novel I was unhappy with it, but felt I had to press on. So I ended up writing a 40,000 word novel and 10,000 word afterword (which is perfectly acceptable by Nanowrimo rules) , which left me somewhat unfulfilled.
If I do it this year, I'm going to come up with something that's not going to end on Nov. 30. My last two novels are both sitting in files in my computer and paper in my closet. This year, there will be revisions, there will be something more. I want to get something more out of it, even if it's just some better revision skills.
Are there any readers participating this year? Any advice? Anyone want to comment on how ridiculous the whole thing is and how I'm wasting my time? Feel free, that's what the button below is for.
Posted by
4:29 PM
Labels: writing
More Mieville
RevolutionSF interviews China Mieville.
To be prosaically specific for a minute, the Iraq war wasn't kicking off when I first started writing [Iron Council], so the Tesh War stuff wasn't intended as a direct parallel. But of course as it went on, inevitably that metaphorical element starting resonating, so it's not surprising that readers feel that's partly what's being talked about. But it's not 'really about' the Iraq War. If I want to talk about that, I'll just fucking talk about it. It is both something which has certain metaphorical resonances, and also something which is absolutely and literally true in the world of this story. Allegory would be to betray that literalised uncanny that the fantastic genres do so well.
Posted by
2:33 PM
The Mumpsimus's doings
Matthew Cheney, sometimes known as The Mumpsimus, has a review of Richard Butner's "Horses Blow Up Dog City & Other Stories" at SF Site. Also, the description of Cheney at the bottom of the review helped lead me to fiction by Cheney called Getting a Date for Amelia at failbetter.com in their 2001 issue. Unlike Cheney's story "Prague," which can be found in the archives of Ideomancer, this is a realistic story about a boy and his retarded sister, Amelia. I'd like to see Cheney do more fiction, it's no surprise he has a talent for it.
Posted by
1:34 PM
Heiress won't go away
Paris Hilton has been signed up to do a new movie version of "The Great Gatsby." Oh dear God, Hilton is Daisy Buchanan in real life, it doesn't mean she can act like, well anything. It looks like there has already been four movie versions of the book. I've never seen any of them, and I don't think I'm about to start now.
Posted by
12:56 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Comic books and Connecticut
I missed this event: Heroes, Heartthrobs & Horrors at the Connecticut Historical Society. It's a show detailing the important role my humble state played in the comic book industry. That Web site includes some interesting articles on censorship and the various companies that were headquartered in Connecticut.
I remember growing up that Charlton Comics was in Derby, just a town away from where I lived. If I had known then what I know now about Charlton (mind you, I was probably about 10 when they closed their comics shop) I would have visited and tried to see what went on there. It amazes me that Steve Ditko worked there, mere miles from me.
Anyway, the exhibit ended Sept. 7, though the Society hoped to have a travelling exhibit made out of it. No word on that though. In the meantime, Sequential Tart did a nice article on how it was all created.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Kelly Link interview
At Return of the Reluctant, Bondgirl interviews Kelly Link. It's a fun little interview and a good introduction to her if you don't know her work. Link's collection "Stranger Things Happen" is terrific. I've been taking my time getting through it, reading a story here and there, now and then. In the interview, Link says she will have a second collection out by next summer. It will include a story called "Some Zombie Contingency Plans." I can't wait to see her take on zombies. In the meantime there's this:
Gwenda: So, what’s your zombie contingency plan?
Kelly: In all situations, I like to ask myself: What would Jackie Chan do? Not because I have any sort of Jackie Chan skills, but because it's soothing to contemplate an imaginary Jackie Chan in imaginary action, kicking imaginary ass, zombie or otherwise. More usefully, what Jackie Chan does is improvise, using objects at hand. So we have a pantry with a lot of different kinds of jam, and some Lyle's Golden Syrup, as well as a lot of heavy, tall bookshelves, and several interesting fireworks, such as The Titanic, and The Naughty Elephant. There's also a lawnmower in the garage, and I've seen Peter Jackson's Dead Alive at least five or six times.
So although I'm not wedded to any kind of plan, I'm prepared to improvise ferociously.
Link and her husband, Gavin Grant, have also co-edited the fantasy half of the 17th annual Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, which is a terrific book and something everyone should be buying every year.
I got to say, I love this trend of bloggers interviewing writers. Maud Newton and The Mumpsimus have done a few as have others. It seems the latest evolution in lit blogs.
UPDATE: Bondgirl is having a "interviewapaschmooza." She has followed up her Link interview with an interview with Scott Westerfeld.
Posted by
1:03 PM
Monday, September 13, 2004
Cthulhu arises
SOTA, a toy maker, will be making an action figure of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu. There's more pictures here. It looks pretty good. It's nicely hideous, having lots of tentacles and weird protrusions and whatnot. Definitely something I'd like to get. They are also talking about doing two other Lovecraft figures, but haven't decided what. I'd love to see a Deep One figure and I like the idea of making an H.P. Lovecraft figure. We'll see.
Posted by
11:05 AM
Friday, September 10, 2004
Stupid reviewers
Jessa Crispin of Bookslut rips into a very stupid "review" of In the Shadow of No Towers. It's an entertaining read and she does a good job of pointing out how reading comics can be, and often is, a different experience from reading comics.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Mini-monster beached
A mini-Loch Ness monster has shown up on the shores of Parton, UK.
Another Parton resident told The Whitehaven News: “It seems to have a seal’s body, the tail of a whale, fins on top and sides, but also claws and really sharp teeth.”
There's a picture at the site that gives an idea of what this thing looks like, and its size, but not a lot of detail. I'll bet you it turns out to be a bloated fish. But here's hoping it's not.
Link found at Professor Hex.
Posted by
12:04 PM
China Mieville, "An End to Hunger"
The Register publishes a China Mieville story for everyone to read. It's called "An End to Hunger" and it comes from the book The New English Library Book of Internet Stories.
The story is based around Web sites like this one that offer seemingly easy ways to help feed the poor. In the story, the characters find out there's a little more behind the Web site than a few liberal do-gooders.
The story is slight. It's a chance for Mieville to make a few political points while using a pulp horror narrative. It's an enjoyable story, even if doesn't rank with Mieville stories like "The Tain" or "Details."
Posted by
11:21 AM
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Zoran Zivkovic and an apology
Hello poor, beleaguered readers. I'm sorry I have left you bereft of postings for so long. In the coming weeks, I hope to change that. That is, if anyone still cares that I'm out here. We'll see.
I just read an interview with Zoran Zivkovic, the Yugoslavian writer, at Strange Horizons. Zivkovic is very interesting writer. I read The Library which was published as part of Leviathan 3. It's a great fantasy work filled with every permutation of the library. Well worth checking out. Actually, Leviathan 3 is an excellent, excellent anthology and will reward your time. I've already pre-ordered the next in the series, Leviathan 4, and I am looking forward to reading Leviathan 2, which I got from Night Shade Books recently.
Well, that's it for now. Hopefully, I'll have more to say in the coming days and weeks.
Posted by
3:34 PM
Friday, August 27, 2004
Patti Smith, H.P. Lovecraft are kin
Holy crap, this is cool. Patti Smith on her love of H.P. Lovecraft. Smith is a great singer-songwriter and Lovecraft is a great horror writer. I love them both, and it's nice to see them meet on the backwater of the Internet.
(Much thanks to Caitlin Kiernan for mentioning it.)
Posted by
3:33 PM
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
High velocity writing advice
Chris Baty has written No Plot? No Problem!, a book of writing advice. Of course, the advice is derived from his work with Nanowrimo, which he created. So it's mainly going to be about writing fast and for fun. Baty's writing is always entertaining so I'm sure it will be worthwhile.
(Link found at Fast Fiction. Glad to see you blogging again Cybele.)
Posted by
1:54 PM
Labels: writing
New blog and another cultural concurrence index
Claude Lalumiere has created a Lost Pages | Found Pages blog to go along with his Lost Pages Web site. The first entry is his Lost Pages Cultural Concurrence Index, based on the same idea that was previously used by Terry Teachout and The Mumpsimus. I, of course, am a sucker for this. So here is my LPCCI (Lalumiere's choices are on the left, mine are in bold):
1. Adbusters -or- No Logo
2. Alan Moore -or- Neil Gaiman
3. Alien -or- Aliens
4. Audrey Hepburn -or- Katharine Hepburn
5. Bartók -or- Mozart
6. Björk -or- Madonna
7. Blade Runner -or- RoboCop
8. body -or- soul [This question seems really, really difficult to me.]
9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -or- Wonder Woman
10. Burning Chrome -or- Neuromancer [Haven't read the novel in years though, so really, I'm not sure.]
11. Carol Lay -or- Lynn Johnston [Lay's a cartoonist right? I don't know Johnston.]
12. Chinatown -or- Taxi Driver
13. Chuck Jones -or- Walt Disney
14. Clint Eastwood -or- John Wayne
15. Cole Porter -or- the Gershwins [in concept, I don't know enough about either.]
16. comics on matte paper -or- comics on glossy paper
17. crime fiction -or- murder mysteries
18. Danger Man/Secret Agent -or- The Prisoner
19. David Cronenberg's Naked Lunch -or- David Cronenberg's Crash
20. David Fincher's Seven -or- Bryan Singer's The Usual Suspects
21. David Lynch -or- Spike Jonze
22. David Pringle's Interzone -or- John W. Campbell's Astounding [I haven't read interzone]
23. Do the Right Thing -or- 25th Hour
24. Dorothy Parker -or- Sylvia Plath
25. Dr. Strangelove -or- Hiroshima, mon amour
26. Dune -or- Foundation
27. Ed the Happy Clown, by Chester Brown -or- Louis Riel, by Chester Brown
28. Festen (The Celebration) -or- Dancer in the Dark [Though I've never seen Festen.]
29. Fredric Brown's crime fiction -or- Fredric Brown's SF [Again, haven't read the first choice.]
30. Greek gods -or- Roman gods
31. Gregory Peck -or- Cary Grant
32. Groucho Marx -or- Charlie Chaplin
33. H.G. Wells -or- Jules Verne
34. Iggy Pop -or- Lou Reed
35. The Ipcress File -or- On Her Majesty's Secret Service [Bond novels?]
36. J.G. Ballard -or- Brian Aldiss
37. Jack Kirby -or- Stan Lee
38. Jacques Brel -or- Frank Sinatra
39. Jaime Hernandez -or- Gilbert Hernandez
40. James Bond -or- Austin Powers
41. Jim Jarmusch -or- Hal Hartley
42. Jim Thompson -or- James M. Cain
43. Jimi Hendrix -or- Eric Clapton
44. Joe Jackson -or- Elvis Costello
45. John Coltrane -or- Bill Evans
46. John Sayles -or- David Mamet
47. John Waters -or- Russ Meyer
48. John Zorn -or- Brian Eno
49. Jonathan Carroll -or- Stephen King
50. Joni Mitchell -or- Cassandra Wilson
51. juice -or- coffee
52. Kill Bill -or- Jackie Brown
53. The Larry Sanders Show -or- Curb Your Enthusiasm
54. living with animals -or- eating animals [I do both.]
55. M*A*S*H -or- All in the Family
56. Michael Chabon -or- Jonathan Lethem [Though I haven't read enough Lethem to really compare.]
57. Miles Davis -or- Duke Ellington
58. Neil Young -or- Bob Dylan
59. Noam Chomsky -or- Christopher Hitchens [Not that I agree with him, I'd just rather read him.]
60. nonsmoking -or- smoking
61. nudity -or- fetish
62. O'Neil/Adams on Batman -or- O'Neil/Adams on Green Lantern/Green Arrow [No idea.]
63. Ornette Coleman -or- Steve Coleman
64. Orson Welles -or- Alfred Hitchcock
65. Pacey -or- Dawson [Never watched the show.]
66. paperbacks -or- hardcovers
67. Peanuts -or- Doonesbury
68. Philip José Farmer -or- Kurt Vonnegut
69. The Police -or- Sting
70. Portishead -or- Radiohead
71. punk -or- rap
72. R.A. Lafferty -or- C.S. Lewis
73. Rashomon -or- In the Realm of the Senses [Haven't seen either.]
74. Robert Silverberg -or- Harlan Ellison [Nearly too close to call.]
75. Roger Zelazny in the 1960s -or- Roger Zelazny in the 1970s [This is an assumption. I haven't paid enough attention to when he wrote what.]
76. Rolling Stones -or- Beatles [Close though. If the Stones had quit before 1985, they might have an edge.]
77. Roseanne -or- Seinfeld
78. Roxy Music -or- Pink Floyd
79. science fiction's New Wave -or- French cinema's Nouvelle Vague
80. The Secret History -or- The Little Friend [No idea.]
81. The Shadow -or- The Punisher
82. Sherlock Holmes -or- Dracula
83. Smallville -or- Richard Donner's Superman: The Movie
84. Smokey Robinson -or- Stevie Wonder
85. The Sopranos -or- Law & Order
86. Stand on Zanzibar -or- Gravity's Rainbow [Haven't read either, yet.]
87. Susie Bright -or- Andrea Dworkin [Don't know. Not sure I care.]
88. Thelma & Louise -or- Sex in the City
89. Theodore Sturgeon -or- Philip K. Dick [Man, is that one tough.]
90. Tom Waits -or- Leonard Cohen
91. Ursula K. Le Guin -or- Marion Zimmer Bradley
92. Vaughn Bodé -or- Robert Crumb
93. The Virgin Suicides -or- The Breakfast Club
94. walking -or- driving
95. Warren Ellis -or- Garth Ennis [Though if I ever get around to Transmetropolitan and Orbiter, this could change.]
96. The White Stripes -or- Red Hot Chili Peppers [Based on latest albums.]
97. Will Eisner -or- Art Spiegelman
98. XTC in the 1980s -or- XTC in the 1990s [Skylarking was in the 1980s, right?]
99. Y Tu Mamá También -or- Once upon a Time in Mexico
100. Zatanna -or- Vampirella
I got 62 percent.
Posted by
1:31 PM
The legend of D.B. Cooper
Apparently, the new movie "Without a Paddle" is about several guys chasing the legend of D.B. Cooper, the skyjacker who jumped out of the plane over Oregon forest. I've always found his story fascinating (not that that will make me watch this comedy) and the article I linked to has some more serious takes on Cooper's life, including several Discovery channel shows I missed. I think I first heard about the Cooper story in an "In Search Of..." episode (man, that show was great when I was 10).
Posted by
1:00 PM
New Flash Gordon movie
Stephen Sommers is apparently producing a new Flash Gordon movie. Sommers, the writer/director of "Deep Rising," "The Mummy," "The Mummy Returns," and "Van Helsing," is sometimes good with the all out action film (like "Deep Rising" and "The Mummy") but has been steadily going downhill. I love the old Flash Gordon serials (I never read the comic) and the early '80s Flash Gordon movie is loads of fun. But I don't have any special connection to the franchise. If Sommers could pull off a logical, fun movie I could like it. However, there is talk that he is getting Ashton Kutcher for the lead. This does not bode well.
Posted by
12:45 PM
Monday, August 16, 2004
Sexy squid
Giant squids may be the swinger of the deep seas.
Squid love, it turns out, starts with a 5-foot-long penis and may include homosexuality, cannibalism, even group sex. Ahem.
Posted by
1:28 PM
Labels: giant squid
Giant squid catch
Fishermen off the Canary Islands have caught a 30 foot long giant squid.
Posted by
1:20 PM
Labels: giant squid
Friday, August 06, 2004
World Fantasy Award nominations
God, I can't get away today. The World Fantasy Awards nominations have been announced and Ellen Datlow has a list on her discussion board. They are as follows:
2004 World Fantasy Awards Final Ballot
Nominations for the 2004 World Fantasy Awards, covering the 2003 publishing year, have been announced:
# The Etched City, K. J. Bishop (Prime Books)
# Fudoki, Kij Johnson (Tor)
# The Light Ages, Ian R. MacLeod (Ace)
# Tooth and Claw, Jo Walton (Tor)
# Veniss Underground, Jeff VanderMeer (Prime Books)
# "A Crowd of Bone", Greer Gilman (Trampoline: An Anthology Small Beer Press)
# "Dancing Men", Glen Hirshberg (The Dark Tor)
# "The Empire of Ice Cream", Jeffrey Ford (Sci Fiction 02.26.03)
# "Exorcising Angels", Simon Clark & Tim Lebbon (Exorcising Angels Prime Books)
# "The Hortlak", Kelly Link (The Dark Tor)
# "Ancestor Money", Maureen F. McHugh (Sci Fiction 10.01.03)
# Circle of Cats, Charles de Lint (Viking)
# "Don Ysidro", Bruce Holland Rogers (Polyphony 3 Wheatland)
# "Gus Dreams of Biting the Mailman", Alex Irvine (Trampoline Small Beer Press)
# "O One", Chris Roberson (Live Without a Net Roc)
# Gathering the Bones, Jack Dann, Ramsey Campbell & Dennis Etchison, eds. (Voyager Australia; Voyager UK; Tor US)
# Strange Tales, Rosalie Parker, ed. (Tartarus Press)
# The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases, Jeff VanderMeer & Mark Roberts, eds. (Night Shade Books)
# The Dark: New Ghost Stories, Ellen Datlow, ed. (Tor)
# Trampoline: An Anthology, Kelly Link, ed. (Small Beer Press)
# Bibliomancy, Elizabeth Hand (PS Publishing)
# Ghosts of Yesterday, Jack Cady (Night Shade Books)
# GRRM: A Rretrospective, George R. R. Martin (Subterranean Press)
# More Tomorrows & Other Stories, Michael Marshall Smith (Earthling Publications)
# The Two Sams, Glen Hirshberg (Carroll & Graf)
# Brom
# Donato Giancola
# John Jude Palencar
# John Picacio
# Jason Van Hollander
# Peter Crowther (for PS Publishing)
# John Howe & Alan Lee (for artwork in The Lord of the Rings)
# Kelly Link & Gavin Grant (for Small Beer Press)
# Sharyn November (for Firebird Books)
# David Pringle (for Interzone/service to the field)
# Sean Wallace (for Prime Books)
# Deborah Layne & Jay Lake (for Wheatland Press)
# Paul Miller (for Earthling Publications)
# Ray Russell & Rosalie Parker (for Tartarus Press)
# Dave Truesdale (for Tangent Online)
# Rodger Turner, Neil Walsh & Wayne MacLaurin (for SF Site.com)
Lots of great stuff on here. I'm surprised I haven't read any of the entries under "Short Fiction". I've got some catchin' up to do.
Posted by
1:28 PM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
A meme before flying
All right, so I found one more thing to blog about, another silly list. I don't know if any of you care about this sort of thing, but I love it. Here's a list of the Online Film Critic's Top 100 Overlooked Films of the 1990s and I've bolded what I've seen. I think the list is kind of strange, since most of the top films were considered hits for the independent market. Here goes:
O.F.C.S.'s Top 100 Overlooked Films of the 1990s
1 Miller's Crossing
2 Safe
3 The Sweet Hereafter
4 Lone Star
5 Heavenly Creatures
6 Waiting for Guffman
7 The Hudsucker Proxy
8 Babe: Pig in the City
9 Dead Man
10 Fearless
11 Bound
12 Chungking Express
13 The Straight Story
14 Searching for Bobby Fischer
15 Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai
16 That Thing You Do!
17 Dead Again
18 Sneakers
19 Zero Effect
20 The Butcher Boy
21 Truly, Madly, Deeply
22 In the Company of Men
23 Devil in a Blue Dress
24 The Red Violin
25 Cemetery Man
26 Hamlet
27 Breakdown
28 Welcome to the Dollhouse
29 The Apostle
30 Eve's Bayou
31 Hard Eight
32 Defending Your Life
33 A Little Princess
34 Bringing Out the Dead
35 Hana-Bi (Fireworks)
36 Jacob's Ladder
37 The Spanish Prisoner
38 Pump Up the Volume
39 Beautiful Girls
40 The Double Life of Veronique
41 Very Bad Things
42 Richard III
43 October Sky
44 Strange Days
45 My Neighbor Totoro
46 L.A. Story
47 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
48 A Bronx Tale
49 The Limey
50 A Perfect World
51 Before Sunrise
52 Bob Roberts
53 Dick
54 Raise the Red Lantern
55 One False Move
56 The Ref
57 Exotica
58 Sonatine
59 Joe Versus the Volcano
60 Matinee
61 The Ice Storm
62 The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
63 Croupier
64 The Winslow Boy
65 Girl on the Bridge
66 Bullet in the Head
67 Darkman
68 Cannibal! The Musical
69 Fast, Cheap & Out of Control
70 Smoke
71 The Last Days of Disco
72 Fresh
73 Eye of God
74 Flirting with Disaster
75 Bottle Rocket
76 Ashes of Time
77 Fallen Angels
78 Great Expectations
79 Kundun
80 A Midnight Clear
81 Deep Cover
82 Ravenous
83 Twin Falls, Idaho
84 The People vs. Larry Flynt
85 Quick Change
86 The Secret of Roan Inish
87 Beloved
88 Big Night
89 Topsy-Turvy
90 Living in Oblivion
91 Jesus' Son
92 Glengarry Glen Ross
93 Chaplin [In no way does this belong here.]
94 Dead Alive
95 Jude
96 Cradle Will Rock [or this]
97 Proof
98 The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl
99 Titus
100 Mystery Men [This was not overlooked, it was deservedly passed over.]
I'm a little astounded at some of the choices here. How is "That Thing You Do!" overlooked? And "Big Night" has been lauded across the country. What's the criteria for overlooked here? Well, most of these films were good anyway. I'm glad to see Cemetery Man up there.
All right, that's it, I'm leaving.
Posted by
12:38 PM
New ocean creatures
Well, I'm officially not going to be blogging anything for the next several years in blog time (about a week or two in real time) as I'm on vacation. However, before I go, you must check out this Wired story about mysteries of the ocean's depth. A recent expedition 6,500 feet down found new creatures no one has ever seen before.
Brightly colored, about a foot long with a well-defined forepaw and tail, it looks like no known sea creature, said Olav Rune Godoe of the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen. The unknown animal was found crawling around the bottom at a depth of 6,500 feet.
Best of all, the article has pictures! Check it out.
Link found at BoingBoing.
Posted by
12:21 PM
Friday, July 30, 2004
Back to the world of meme
The Mumpsimus has created the Mumpsimus Cultural Concurrence Index. Basically, it's a listing of likes vs. likes more that will, in theory, show how close my tastes are to Matthew Cheney. The idea for this began with Terry Teachout, but his version was too filled with classical, jazz, dance and other people I didn't know. The Mumspsimus sticks closer to my part of the world. So here goes, The Mumspsimus's likes are in the left hand column, my likes will be in bold:
1. Isaac Asimov or Robert A. Heinlein
2. Stanley Kubrick or Steven Spielberg
3. Bach or Mozart
4. Ubik or Valis
5. Mieville or Tolkien [Ugh, this one was too tough. I think I'd rather read Mieville, but Tolkien was too important in my life to ignore.]
6. van Gogh or Monet
7. John Clute or Paul di Filippo [I realize Cheney is probably referring to criticism, in which di Filippo clearly loses, but man I love "A Year in the Linear City."]
8. Edward Albee or Arthur Miller
9. Ani DiFranco or Alanis Morissette
10. "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" or "Friends" [I'd rather not watch either, but "Queer Eye" wins because I've never seen it.]
11. The Nation or The New Republic
12. Truffaut or Godard
13. Peter Straub or Stephen King
14. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman
15. Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet or Asimov's [Another winner because of its importance in my life. I've only read one issue of LCRW and already it threatens Asimov's.]
16. Bartok or Schoenberg
17. Brazil or Blade Runner
18. Aristotle or Plato
19. E.E. Cummings or Ezra Pound [Wins for brevity. I've never read much of either.]
20. "Mork & Mindy" or Mrs. Doubtfire
21. Talking Heads or The Police
22. John Gielgud or Laurence Olivier ["Clash of the Titans" rules dude!]
23. Anton Chekhov or Ivan Turgenev
24. cats or dogs
25. Thomas Pynchon or Arthur C. Clarke
26. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or Adaptation
27. vegetarian or carnivore
28. Max Ernst or Jackson Pollock
29. The October Country or Dandelion Wine
30. Philip Glass or Yanni
31. Texas Chainsaw Massacre original or remake
32. Samuel Beckett or Neil Simon [I feel stupid here, but I've only read "Waiting for Godot," whereas I've seen a ton of Neil Simon movies.]
33. Faulkner or Hemingway
34. Bakunin or Marx
35. Adrienne Rich or Robert Bly
36. Duck Soup or A Night at the Opera
37. R.A. Lafferty or Connie Willis
38. Hawthorne or Melville
39. Tom Lehrer or The Capitol Steps
40. Susan Sontag or Harold Bloom [Bloom pisses me off, but he's always interesting. And, sadly, I've never read any of Sontag's stuff.]
41. NPR or CBS
42. Gomez or Wilco
43. Samuel R. Delany or David Foster Wallace
44. Mac or PC
45. Frida Kahlo or Diego Rivera
46. In the Bedroom or A Beautiful Mind
47. David Sedaris or Garrison Keillor
48. Ursula LeGuin or Charles DeLint
49. Pauline Kael or Roger Ebert
50. Paul Celan or Pablo Neruda
51. The 1960s or The 1940s
52. Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen
53. Philip Pullman or J.K. Rowling
54. Basho or Jack Kerouac [Although I never would have know who was if it wasn't for Cheney's essay on haiku, which I'm sad to note doesn't seem to be online anymore.]
55. Stephen Sondheim or Andrew Lloyd Webber
56. Frank O'Hara or John Ashbery
57. Paul Bowles or Graham Greene
58. Schubert or Schumann
59. Dostoyevsky or Dickens
60. Orson Welles or John Ford
61. August Strindberg or Eugene O'Neil
62. Keaton or Chaplin [I suspect I'd like Keaton better, but I've never seen any of his movies.]
63. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction or Galaxy
64. Short novels or long novels
65. Castle in the Sky or Princess Mononoke
66. Patricia Highsmith or Jim Thompson
67. David Lynch or Spike Jonze
68. William Gaddis or Saul Bellow
69. Bob Dylan or The Grateful Dead
70. Nebulas or Hugos
71. Fence or The Gettysburg Review
72. Jonathan Lethem or Dave Eggers
73. Toni Morrison or John Steinbeck
74. They Might Be Giants or Phish
75. Philip K. Dick or Frank Herbert
76. Sylvia Plath or Robert Lowell
77. coffee or tea
78. Rear Window or Vertigo [Only because I've seen it more recently. Both are awesome.]
79. Rodgers & Hart or Rodgers & Hammerstein
80. Gore Vidal or Norman Mailer
81. tragedy or comedy
82. Angels in America or Rent
83. Swift or Pope
84. George Carlin or Howard Stern
85. Theodore Sturgeon or Hal Clement
86. Seven Samurai or Rashomon
87. Vladimir Nabokov or John Updike
88. Edward Whittemore or John LeCarre
89. Radiohead or The Cure
90. Goya or El Greco
91. Alice Munro or Raymond Carver
92. James Baldwin or Truman Capote
93. New York or Paris
94. J.M. Coetzee or Nadine Gordimer
95. H.P. Lovecraft or Robert E. Howard [You are a cruel, cruel man, Matthew Cheney.]
95. Roald Dahl or Beverly Cleary
96. Annie Hall or Sleeper
97. Jello Biafra or Ralph Nader
98. Virginia Woolf or Arnold Bennett
99. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" or "The Wasteland"
100. Weird Tales or Amazing Stories
When I was completely out of my league on some of these (Kahlo, Strindberg, Schubert) I took Cheney's pick because I would be interested in it if he recommended it to me.
To add up my score: "At the end, count up the left column (my choice) and subtract the sum of the right column from it, thus creating your MCCI." So that comes out to 36 percent MCCI. (Actually, there are two #95, so it's actually 37 percent. Although I'm not sure it's a percentage with 101 questions.) Wow, I thought that would be much higher.
UPDATE: OK, now that I understand math a little better, I find that I'm at 68 percent. Much closer to what I expected.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Oh, no, Hogzilla!
A Georgia man claims to have killed a 1,000-pound feral hog, but all the proof he has is one picture of the dead pig hanging. If it's real, that is one scary pig. As the plantation owner points out:
"They say bears get mad when you mess with their babies," Holyoak said. "Hogs don't need a reason to get mad and come after you."
And readers of William Hope Hodgson's House on the Borderland know how scary even normal sized pigs can be.
Link found at Shaken & Stirred.
Posted by
12:16 PM
25 Sci Fi Legends according to TV Guide
According to sources, here's TV Guide's Top 25 Sci Fi Legends:
25- Captain Video
24- Dick Solomon (3rd Rock From the Sun)
23- Ultraman
22- Doctor Who
21- Starbuck (Battlestar Galactica)
20- John Crichton (Farscape)
19- Steve Austin/Jamie Summers
18- Capt. Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
17- Max Guevara (Dark Angel)
16- Allie Keys (Taken)
15- The Coneheads (Sat. Night Live)
14- Robot (Lost in Space)
13- MST3K Crew
12- Sam Beckett (Quantum Leap)
11- Duncan MacLeod (Highlander)
10- Jack O'Neill (Stargate SG-1)
09- Capt. John Sheridan (Babylon 5)
08- Alf
07- Fox Mulder (X-Files)
06- David Vincent (The Invaders)
05- Diana (V)
04- George Jetson
03- Uncle Martin (My Favorite Martian)
02- Star Trek Crews (all in one big lump)
01- Rod Serling
Despite some qualms about this list (no No. 6 from the Prisoner and Alf at No. 8!!) I like that it makes some unusual choices. Rod Serling at No. 1 is cool. Diana from V and David Vincent from The Invaders, both played so high, is awesome. They're not well known characters to the general public, so to even appear here is great. And, best of all, Ultraman made the list! Nice to see a Japanese show that hasn't appeared much since the early '70s appear on the list.
Posted by
10:52 AM
Carl Hiaasen on Warren Zevon
In this interview with Carl Hiaasen, the mystery writer and Miami Herald columnist, he talks a bit about his late friend Warren Zevon.
Warren was such a great writer. I think his lyrics are so unique and so literary, and if you met him and talked to him, you would find out immediately, at least in my case, he read 10 times more than I had time to read.
He was just extremely literate and well-read, and much of his song-writing was nuanced with literary references. And he also agonized over every single adjective and adverb and every line of his lyrics. He went through the same sort of agony that writers go through, if they're serious writers, when they're writing. And I think that's why he had so many friends who were writers and so many were drawn to him. ... And he was a great character on top of it. I think that's the other thing you have to remember from a novelist's point of view. He was a true character. He was larger than life.
Hiassen is a good writer in his own right, so go check out the interview.
Link found at Syntax of Things.
Posted by
1:59 AM
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
A diamond is equal to ...
You know those DeBeers diamond ads? Well, here are the ads in a language all guys could understand.
Link found at The Minor Fall, The Major Lift.
Posted by
3:16 PM
Quick, get the Millenium Falcon fixed!
The Cassini satellite orbiting Saturn has caught a picture of the Death Star. God, I hope we don't have a princess captured on that thing. We're a peaceful planet, really!
Posted by
2:57 PM
The Virtual Anthology returns
Jeffrey Ford has announced he's bringing back The Virtual Anthology.
I began The Virtual Anthology with the inception of Gabe Chouinard's S1ngularity Webzine. The idea was to compile the Table of contents for an anthology of the Literature of the Fantastic that would suit my own tastes. In other words, I got to play virtual editor. What I did was write little pieces, not critiques or reviews or essays really, appreciations of those stories I chose to be included.
Ford had only just gotten started when the e-zine was shut down. The potential for the series was obvious, especially for a big Jeffrey Ford fan like myself. But also for anyone who is interested in fantasy literature. Ford was looking across the fields of stories to find his works. The first three stories he chose were from Henry James, Ray Bradbury and Akutagawa. Imagine where he'd go from there. So I'm cheered to hear it's coming back.
Fantastic Metropolis will be the host for the anthology. Apparently, the site is preparing for a redesign and The Virtual Anthology will be part of that.
Posted by
2:30 AM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
Minor adjustments
Due to some inquiries by powerful people, I have made some changes along the right. I've added a link to my other blog, Giant Monster Blog, and I've updated the links. I took out a few that were dead and more importantly I added some new people. Please, check it out, all the people along the right are worth visiting at least once.
In particular, I added Project Pulp, which is a great outlet for fiction zines like Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet and Say... ? and unusual books like Nick Mamatas' 3000 MPH in Every Direction at Once and Paul di Filippo's A Mouthful of Tongues.
And while I'm talking administratively, let me apologize for the lacking of posting for the past month or two. A mix of summer malaise and life things have been keeping me away. I'll be heading out on a vacation soon, so don't expect much exciting round these parts until September. Check in irregularly in the meantime and I should have an interesting post or two, I hope. (I should probably take Ed Champion's novel idea of asking a whole bunch of other bloggers to do my work for me.)
Posted by
2:08 AM
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Trawling the blobosphere
The New York Times looks at sea blobs, especially the blob in Chile last summer. The article goes back over the same territory, that the blobs are most likely the bodies of dead whales (although it doesn't include the description of whale deaths that previous articles had), but it encompasses a lot of different blob sightings, so it's pretty cool.
The blobs were made of almost pure collagen, the fibrous protein found in connective tissue, bone and cartilage. The scientists concluded that it had come not from giant squids or octopuses or any other kind of mysterious invertebrates. Rather, the Bermuda blob arose from a fish or a shark, and the St. Augustine one from a whale.
The Florida sensation, they said, had probably consisted of a huge whale's entire skin.
"With profound sadness at ruining a favorite legend," they wrote in the April 1995 issue of The Biological Bulletin, published by the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., a distinguished research institution, "we find no basis for the existence of Octopus giganteus."
Link found at Professor Hex, who coins blobologist and, best of all, blobosphere.
Posted by
12:20 PM
Shatner's new music
Right now, I'm listening to William Shatner and Ben Folds sing Pulp's "Common People." It's fantastic. I don't know the original song, but I suspect it would be even better if I did. Anyway, Neil Gaiman posted the link to the song among many other good things. Check it out, download it. It's all fun. And you do know that Shatner is putting out an album produced by Folds, right? I'm sure I posted about it. Shatner will soon take over the pop charts, count on it.
Posted by
11:49 AM
Monday, July 26, 2004
Constantine: As bad as it wants to be
Well, there's a trailer for Constantine up and it looks to be as bad as expected. It's a little early to say for sure, but there is nothing in the trailer to make this look any good (well, maybe Rachel Weisz, but I'm not going to sit through this whole movie just to look at her). Keanu isn't using a British accent, but he's doing something strange with his voice. I've pretty much written this off as something I won't see.
Link found at Bookslut.
Posted by
11:02 AM
Friday, July 23, 2004
Donnie Darko answers
Salon answers questions about Donnie Darko (and being Salon, you have to watch a 15 second ad to read the article.) The article basically proves to me that the director's cut of the movie will explain too much. However, none of it will be stuff I didn't already know from the Web site, the Donnie Darko Book, and the DVD commentary. And seeing it all written out this way, I have to say I think the movie is better ambiguous. (Not that that will stop me from seeing the new version.)
Here's one of the more interesting q&a :
Couldn't you interpret this whole movie in another way, without any sci-fi stuff at all? As sort of a subjective rendition of Donnie's descent into paranoid schizophrenia?
Absolutely. A number of my friends read the film this way and feel it is a far more interesting interpretation of the events of "Donnie Darko" than the dominant sci-fi narrative. Certainly aspects of the film -- the flatness of affect in Donnie's meetings with Frank, Donnie's increasing menace and the way the mechanics of the plot revolve so explicitly around typical teenage sexual hang-ups -- support a reading of the film as Donnie's Descent, shown from inside his head. Even the careful tying-together of the plot doesn't necessarily negate this read; one trait of the budding schizophrenic is the creation of coherent, if unlikely, narratives tying together the hallucinations and paranoia often manifested as part of the illness.
That said, I'm not dealing too much with this read in these Cliffs Notes because it seems to me that through his supplementary materials and his director's cut, Richard Kelly is pushing viewers to accept the primary narrative -- the sci-fi, Tangent Universe narrative -- as the "proper" way to interpret the film. We can argue all day about whether Kelly's decision is clarifying or foolishly reductive. Many of my friends think that the film is far richer as an exploration of madness than as an "Escher thriller about freaking wormhole bullshit," as one friend so succinctly put it. Conversely, I myself am much more interested in watching a clever sci-fi flick with good '80s tunes than another inside-the-nutcase's-head movie, and so I'm perfectly happy to have Kelly attempt to clarify the intentions of his plot a bit. Kelly himself has spent years crowing about his film's careful ambiguity, so I'm interested in why he made the additions he did to the director's cut, additions that serve primarily to make the film far less ambiguous.
Personally, I don't care for the crazy teenager version of DD either. I like the science fiction better, but it still doesn't do it for me. I think there's a third interepretation out there that no one has mentioned yet. I'll have to watch the film again and contemplate. (That's what makes it so fun anyway.)
Posted by
12:53 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Casually catching giant squid
Can this possibly be right? This article, about improved salmon fishing, has a one sentence statement that just doesn't seem correct:
A commercial boat brought in two tons of giant squid Sunday, the smallest 8 pounds, the largest 40.
What? Wouldn't that be a huge scientific event? It has to be a typo, it just can't be right.
Posted by
4:13 PM
Labels: giant squid
Film composer Jerry Goldsmith dies
Film composer Jerry Goldsmith died at 75 after a long battle with cancer. Goldsmith composed lots of great movies, two in particular that spring to mind "Planet of the Apes" and "The Omen." But he did lots of films and more than a few science fiction films, including Star Trek and all the Alien films. He will be missed.
News found at Pullquote.
Posted by
3:09 PM
Labels: obit
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Jeffrey Ford interview excerpts
LocusOnline provides excerpts from the Locus interview with Jeffrey Ford. He mentions his latest work in progress:
Currently, I'm finishing a novel, The Girl in the Glass. It takes place in 1932, the Depression, along the Gold Coast of Long Island, and is about con men who put on séances for the grieving rich. The head of the confidence operation is quite cynical, but during one of the séances he believes he sees a real ghost of a girl whom he later discovers has been murdered. The ensuing mystery involves the Ku Klux Klan (huge on Long Island throughout the '20s) and a eugenics lab in Cold Spring Harbor, funded by Henry Ford (a major anti-Semite) and prominent US banks. The writing is a departure for me — much more pared down, more dialogue, less florid. I was very influenced in writing this by Dashiell Hammett, especially The Thin Man.
He also has some interesting comments on genre:
I also have a hard time delineating the difference between SF and fantasy. Both attempt to transcend everyday perceptions. I do recognize that classic difference between a scientific method where you're going out and collecting empirical data and Plato's concept where you contain all the information of the universe and you look inward for answers. It's not that one mode of inquiry is better; they both genuinely work. But the best is when they meld together. I like to get an idea that has some kind of metaphorical resonance to the characters' lives or their situations. If you make the connection between these two, it makes for a good story.
It figures this is the one issue of Locus that hasn't turned up at my local bookstore.
Posted by
3:11 PM
Labels: Jeffrey Ford
Memorizing poetry
Our Girl in Chicago, over at About Last Night, posts about memorizing poetry and whether it should be taught in school. She argues that it should be. She argues that it does not make people look at poetry by rote, instead it gets them closer to the poetry and makes them understand its inner workings.
She makes a convincing argument. I wish I had been forced to memorize a poem or two. Or even the Gettysburg Address. I didn't have to memorize anything in school. While I was probably happy about that then, I regret it now.
But I wonder if this is something worth doing at my age. I would like to know poetry better. I own many collections of poetry, but I spend little time with any of them. Most of my time is spent on novels and short stories.
I think I'll take OGIC's advice and start memorizing Kubla Khan, a poem I've always loved anyway.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Giant Monster Blog
I created a second blog a while back. It's called Giant Monster Blog and it's where I will be putting all my giant monster news and views on the movies, fiction, videogames and music that feature giant monsters. I just posted there about the death of Noriaki Yuasu, the director of the original Gamera films. If giant monsters interest you, that's where to look.
Posted by
11:25 AM
Saturday, July 17, 2004
I, Robot and the betrayal of Isaac Asimov
Slate looks at Isaac Asimov and how I, Robot gets the science-fiction grandmaster wrong. They do a good job of articulating the essential meaning of Asimov's work and how the movie betrays it. In short, Asimov hoped to promote reason over emotion, to show that robots could make not only mathematical choices well, but moral ones as well. The movie, on the other hand, aims to put emotion over reason and show how evil the unemotional robots are.
It's too bad. I expected so much from Alex Proyas after Dark City. But that's what Hollywood does.
Posted by
10:40 AM
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
About Last Night has a birthday
Terry Teachout's blog, ArtsJournal: About Last Night, is now one year old. Congratulations Terry. If you haven't read the blog by now, you should. It is wonderful. He writes about the arts, pretty much all the arts from classical music to Looney Tunes. And he knows a lot about all of them. And he doesn't talk down to those who don't understand. He wants you to know about this stuff. He's enthusiastic and he wants to bring you along for the ride. If you haven't read About Last Night, now is the time to start.
Here's a good starting point, Teachout's blog entry on growing up highbrow in a lowbrow place and how uncomfortable he was with that.
Posted by
11:51 AM
All Music changes
So the All Music Guide has redesigned. I'm not sure I like it. All Music has been a good resource for finding out about albums and biographies of singers. I've rarely seen much wrong with the info and the reviews at least give you a picture of what the album is like, even if you disagree with the author. But now, I have to register for the site and there always seems to be two or three clicks before I can get to what I want to see. On the other hand, they are also offering sound clips and other additions. It seems less handy, but more thorough. I'll hang in there though and see if things improve at all.
Posted by
11:25 AM
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Chewbacca and Return of the Reluctant
Chewbacca's Mrs. America diary. What more needs be said?
Posted by
11:00 AM
Friday, July 09, 2004
I want to live under the sea...
I want to live in the Jelly-fish 45 Habitat, floating on the oceans. How cool would that be. (Another link found at Professor Hex.)
Posted by Hello
Posted by
12:18 PM
A cry for help
A woman crashes her motorbike into a causeway and dies. Rescuers find carved into her skin the words "Help Me." What a great way to start a horror novel.
(Link found at Professor Hex.)
Posted by
12:14 PM
Thursday, July 08, 2004
A picture worth 1,000 words
A sport utility vehicle had just crashed through her fence, rolled across her patio deck and into her backyard swimming pool.
She watched, stunned, as the vehicle began to sink. "I thought I was dreaming," said Peacock, 80. "I was so shaken up."
Posted by Hello
Posted by
2:31 PM
Getting Stoned
Tingle Alley has discovered the documentary Stone Reader and has fallen in love. I completely understand. I loved the movie so much, I bought the four disk special edition (I don't know if it's still available.)
The movie, in short, is about a guy who reads a terrific book, The Stones of Summer, and finds that the author hasn't written anything since. The documentarian goes out in search of the writer and along the way discusses books and writing with everyone he meets.
Some people have complained about the research and some scenes that were obviously set up. But, as CAAF points out, that sort of misses the point. The movie is not really about the search for this missing author, it's about the love of reading. It's a chance for Mark Moskowitz (the documentarian) to talk with people like editor Robert Gottlieb and critic Leslie Fielder as well as little known authors who talk about the pains of writing.
CAAF actually wrote to Moskowitz and asked him about The Lost Book Club, which plans to find more books that are out of print or need some attention.
Rake's Progress also discusses the movies and quotes from Roger Ebert's review.
Then there's the book list. During the film, many, many books are mentioned and thanks to somebody named "dedicated transcriber" we have nearly all of them. Transcriber put the list together on the Stone Reader discussion board, but I'll do the service of printing it here:
William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey
James Joyce, Poems
John Seelye, The Kid & Beautiful Machine
Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat
Lord Byron, Collected Works
Howard Mosher, Northern Borders (coming of age story set in Vermont)
John Frederick, The Darkened Sky
Doris Lessing, The Golden Notebook (& introduction to the 1972 10th anniversary edition)
R.A. Lafferty, Fourth Mansions (SF)
Vladimir Nabokov, Invitation to a Beheading
John Barth, The Floating Opera (Leslie Fiedler’s favorite modern American 1st novel)
William Kotzwinkle, The Fan Man
Crocket Johnson, Harold and the Purple Crayon
Ben Hogan’s Power Golf
Claire Bee’s Chip Hilton series
Dan Guenther, China Wind
John Kennedy Toole, A Confederacy of Dunces
Ross Lockridge, Raintree County
Thomas Hegan, Mr. Roberts
Siri Hustvedt, The Blindfold
William Manchester, The Last Lion
Ferol Egan, Fremont
A. Yehoshua, Five Seasons
Janet Hobhouse, The Furies
Christopher Isherwood, Berlin Stories
Peter Taylor, A Summons to Memphis
Virginia Woolf, A Voyage Out
James Lord, Picasso and Dora
Franklin W. Dixon’s Hardy Boys books
Colin Wilson
Mark Twain Puddinhead Wilson, Huckleberry Finn, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
Madeline L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
Ernest Hemingway, Old Man and the Sea
Henry Roth, Call It Sleep
Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man
J.D. Salinger, Catcher in the Rye
Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind
Edgar Allen Poe
James T. Farrell, Studs Lonigan
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
W.G. Sebald, The Emigrants
Harry Mulisch, The Assault
Emily Bronte
Kay Redfield Jamison, Touched by Fire (nonfiction book on artistic temperament)
William Cotter Murray, Michael Joe
John Legget, Ross and Tom
Tony Tanner, City of Words
Frank Conroy, Stop-time, Body and Soul, Midair
Alfred Kazin, On Native Grounds
Leslie Fiedler, Love and Death in the American Novel, The Stranger in Shakespeare, Waiting for the End
Tony Tanner, City of Words
Alfred Kazin, On Native Grounds
Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar
Saul Bellow, The Adventures of Augie March
F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender Is the Night
Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle, Mother Night
Wright Morris, The Territory Ahead, My Uncle Dudley
John A. Williams, The Man Who Cried I Am
Cynthia Ozick, Myth and Metaphor
Philip Roth, Goodbye Columbus
Stephen King, Carrie
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick
Lewis Mumford
Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Richard Yates
Robert Coover
William Thackeray, Vanity Fair
Sherwood Anderson, Winesburg, Ohio
Mario Puzo
William Gaddis, The Recognitions
Connie Willis, Lincoln's Dreams, The Doomsday Book
Joseph McElroy, Ancient Paraphase
Marcus Goodrich, Delilah
Herman Melville, Moby Dick
F.O. Mathiessen, American Renaissance
John Seelye, The True Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Alain Robbe-Grillet, Jealousy
Alberto Moravia
Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting & Testaments Betrayed
Joseph Skvorecky, The Engineer of Human Souls
Knut Hamsun
John LeCarre
James Ellroy
Anne Rice
Anne Tyler
Thomas Pynchon, V.
Maura Stanton, Molly Companion
Laura Cunningham, Sleeping Arrangements
Franz Lidz, Unstrung Heroes
Alan Furst
Raymond Chandler
Donald Barthelme, Sixty Stories
James Jones, The Thin Red Line, The Merry Month of May
Norman Mailer, The Naked and the Dead
Joseph Heller, Catch-22, Something Happened, Good as Gold
Chaim Potok, The Chosen
Thomas Pynchon, V.
Robert C.S. Downs, The Fifth Season
Bruce Dobler
Kurt Vonnegut, Palm Sunday
Gail Godwin
John Irving
John Casey
Jane Barnes Casey
Andre Dubus
Tom McHale
Jonathan Penner
Jose Donoso
Nelson Algren
Terry Southern, Red Dirt Marijuana
Vladimir Nabokov
John Dos Passos
Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Frank Conroy, Stop-time, Midair, Body and Soul
William Faulkner, Soldier’s Pay, Sartoris
Vance Bourjaily
Emily Dickinson
D.H. Lawrence, Apocalypse
Willa Cather
Ed Gorman, Harlequin
James Webb, Fields of Fire
Malcolm Lowry, Under the Volcano
Dan Simmons, Hyperion tetraology
Casanova, History of My Life
James Joyce, Dubliners
The Complete James Fennimore Cooper
Flannery O'Connor
The Bible
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Mark Twain, Autobiography
Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
Gibbon, Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Geoffrey Chaucer
Frederick Exley, A Fan’s Notes
Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie
Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, Islands in the Stream (my favorite EH)
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
Thomas Wolfe
William Wharton, Dad
John Marquand, Point of No Return (great lost book of the 40s)
Hamilton Basso, The View from Pompey’s Head
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter (all)
Bernard Malamud, Dubin’s Lives
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Devils
Sidenote: I can't tell you how happy I am to see R.A. Lafferty on that list. He's a great fantasy/science fiction writer who should be better known. Other writers have often sung his praises. I haven't read Fourth Mansions. I would recommend his short story collections, like Nine Hundred Grandmothers.
Obviously, those aren't all lost books. But they are all discussed in the movie.
If you do enjoy the movie, definitely try to get your hands on the multiple disc version DVD. Some of the extras are great and aren't directly related to the film. For instance, there's an old episode of Firing Line that features an interview with Leslie Fielder. After watching him in the film (where he's old and craggy), it's a revelation to see him young and inspired. Kind of funny how he refers to things like comic books and science fiction as "pornography" though (and he's in favor of them!). He also mentions science fiction books like The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad. There's also a nice short documentary on Henry Roth.
MadInkBeard has a different take on the DVD. He points out some of the bad points of the film, most of which I agree with, I just don't think they make it a bad film. (For instance, I'm not annoyed by the long shots of sky and pool skimming, and as both Rake's Progress and CAAF point out, one of the best parts of the movie is Moskowitz rambling about Joseph Heller as scenes of a carnival go by.) However, I do agree with his last statement:
10. All that, and I still don't have the desire to pick up the novel, which Barnes & Noble re-released in the wake of the film.
The Stones of Summer appears to be a Faulkner-esque coming of age story. It's huge. It's the kind of book that you either struggle through and fall in love with, or simply struggle with. Again, while I'm sure Moskowitz wants you to read the book, I don't think this is the ultimate goal of the movie. The movie is trying to express the love of books and reading and how that affects a person. And that's why I love it.
Posted by
11:59 AM
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Great comic strip
Fleep is a pretty wild online comic. It's about a guy who goes into a phone booth, blacks out and wakes up to find it is surrounded by concrete. In his pocket, he has a Simbian to Russian dictionary, a note written in Simbian, several coins and 20 feet of dental floss. From that point on, the strip (which originally ran in a newspaper) shows how the main character tries to figure out where he is and why. For a while, not much happens in the strip, but it really pays off toward the end.
The strip was created by Jason Shiga. Time.com has a profile of his work here. Shiga also has a Live Journal account, which appears to be inactive.
Posted by
11:46 AM
Monday, July 05, 2004
Memic Monday: Books on my shelf
Today is meme day at Weirdwriter! Or at least, that's all can find to blog about. I found this one at David Fiore's Motime Like the Present; he got it from Rick Geerling at Eat More People. Here's the relevant quote:
So every writer - hell, almost every person - has that bookshelf. That one. The one where all the favorites and good picks and really cool looking books go. Mine is right on top of my desk. I got out of bed this morning, looked over at it, and thought...well, what better way to get some insight into a person? We're always doing favorite movie lists and favorite CD lists, but no one ever just talks about what they've got lining The Bookshelf. I'm going to jump out into the pool a bit and do mine and we'll see where it goes from there. Remember - no cheating and grabbing the cool books that aren't on your shelf, no saying you have books on there that you don't...it's okay if you haven't rearranged it in a while and have some crap on it. I do. That's just how it goes.
Well, I don't have The Bookshelf, but I have one shelf at home that I always look at wistfully. So I'll list those:
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill (Alan Moore, I love him.)
The Adventures of Lucius Leffing by Joseph Payne Brennan (Brennan is a Connecticut native and one of the last major writers for Weird Tales. He wrote some great short stories. I haven't read all of this yet, but it doesn't seem to be his best work.)
City of Saints & Madmen by Jeff Vandermeer (the hardcover edition from Prime)(There's lots of Vandermeer on this shelf. This was the first one of his books I read and I fell in love with it. You should read Vandermeer, now!)
Leviathan 3 edited by Jeff Vandermeer and Forrest Aguirre
The Golden Dawn Scrapbook by R.A. Gilbert (Always interested in occult groups, but haven't read this yet.)
Rebels, Pretenders & Impostors by Clive Cheesman and Jonathan Williams (I have no idea where I got this, but the subject matter (false kings and such) is fascinating.)
Little Big by John Crowley (Another Connecticut resident. I'm going to read this soon. I've heard too many good things about this book over the years.)
The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric and Discredited Diseases edited by Jeff Vandermeer and Mark Roberts
The Third Level by Jack Finney (You can read my comments on it here.)
The Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Kim Deitch (Excellent graphic novel on the early days of animation through the eyes of a fictional artist.)
The Annotated Lost World by Arthur Conan Doyle, annotated by Roy Pilot and Alvin Rodin (Dinosaurs! Adventure! How could I not love this. I still haven't read this edition though.)
Cities edited by Peter Crowther (British edition) (Novellas from four great writers: China Mieville, Michael Moorcock, Geoff Ryman and Paul di Filippo. di Filippo's story, "A Year in the Linear City" is my favorite so far, although Mieville's "The Tain" is also very good. Haven't read the other two.)
Tales of the Uncanny and Supernatural by Algernon Blackwood (A classic horror writer and this book was a lucky find at a used bookstore.)
The Heart of the Affair by Graham Greene (I had heard people like Maud Newton say so many good things about this book, I have to pick it up. I loved it and I've been buying more of Greene's stuff ever since.)
Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk (Not much to say about this. I loved Fight Club, so when I heard about him doing a horror novel, I had to have it.)
Fun with Your New Head by Thomas Disch (Disch is a master. I've only read a couple of the stories here though.)
Dinner at Deviant's Palace by Tim Powers (I enjoyed Powers' On Stranger Tides, so when I saw this at a used book store, I grabbed it up. Still haven't read it though.)
Out of the Flames by Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone (An excellent book on the life of heretic and writer Michael Servetus and how his book, though to have been burned, turns up across the centuries.)
White Apples by Jonathan Carroll (Carroll's awesome. What more need you know?)
Sinai Tapestry by Edward Whittemore (Found thanks to Jeff Vandermeer's constant recommendations. Powerful story. I need to pick up the other parts of the Jerusalem Quartet soon.)
The Serenity Prayer by Elisabeth Sifton (Got this at a book sale at work. Far better than I ever expected. It's a memoir about the life of Reinhold Niebuhr and how he came to write the serenity prayer and what its meaning is, written by his daughter.)
The House on the Borderland and other Mysterious Places by William Hope Hodgson
The Boats of the 'Glen Carig' and other Nautical Adventures by William Hope Hodgson (Hodgson is a great weird writer. Most people know of him through the novel "House on the Borderland." His stuff is great and these collections from Night Shade Books are truly beautiful. I've already got the next one on order.)
Venniss Underground by Jeff Vandermeer (Night Shade Books edition)
Koko by Peter Straub (I've always wanted to read Straub. I tried reading "The Floating Dragon" but couldn't get into it. I picked this up at a used book store and hope I'll like it better.)
The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane by Robert E. Howard (Just bought this the other day. I grew up on Conan and I've been reading Howard ever since. These new collections of Howard's work from Del Rey are really good.)
and two that really shouldn't be here:
Guide to the Unexplained by Joel Levy
Monster by John Michael Greer
Also on the same shelf, but not books: an incense stand, a Godzilla Bandai action figure, a box of thumb tacks, "Surfing with the Alien" by Joe Satriani tape and the remains of a light fixture.
Only about half of these have been read. So what does this all tell you about me?
Posted by
11:45 AM
Movie meme
Here's the latest meme, found at Scribbling Woman. I think I did pretty well on it:
Instructions: bold the titles you've seen and add three to the end of the list (from mamamusings, Chuck, and Culture Cat).
01. Trainspotting
02. Shrek
03. M
04. Dogma
05. Strictly Ballroom
06. The Princess Bride
07. Love Actually
08. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings
09. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
11. Reservoir Dogs
12. Desperado
13. Swordfish
14. Kill Bill Vol. 1
15. Donnie Darko
16. Spirited Away
17. Better Than Sex
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Pirates of the Caribbean
20. The Eye
21. Requiem for a Dream
22. Dawn of the Dead (The original).
23. The Pillow Book
24. The Italian Job [Seen the new one, but not the old Michael Caine one. This thing doesn't specify.]
25. The Goonies
26. Baseketball
27. The Spice Girls Movie (Spice World)
28. Army of Darkness
29. The Color Purple
30. The Safety of Objects
31. Can’t Hardly Wait
32. Mystic Pizza
33. Finding Nemo
34. Monsters Inc.
35. Circle of Friends
36. Mary Poppins
37. The Bourne Identity (both!)
38. Forrest Gump
39. A Clockwork Orange
40. Kindergarten Cop
41. On The Line
42. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
43. Final Destination
44. Sorority Boys
45. Urban Legend
46. Cheaper by the Dozen The original.
47. Fierce Creatures
48. Dude, Where’s My Car
49. Ladyhawke
50. Ghostbusters
51. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
52. Back to the Future
53. An Affair To Remember
54. Somewhere In Time
55. North By Northwest
56. Moulin Rouge
57. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Zoolander
60. A Walk to Remember
61. Chicago
62. Vanilla Sky
63. The Sweetest Thing
64. Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead
65. The Nightmare Before Christmas
66. Chasing Amy
67. Edward Scissorhands
68. Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert
69. Muriel’s Wedding
70. Croupier
71. Blade Runner
72. Cruel Intentions
73. Ocean’s Eleven [I've seen the original. Again they don't specify new or old.]
74. Magnolia
75. Fight Club
76. Beauty and The Beast
77. Much Ado About Nothing
78. Dirty Dancing
79. Gladiator
80. Ever After
81. Braveheart
82. What Lies Beneath
83. Regarding Henry
84. The Dark Crystal
85. Star Wars
86. The Birds
87. Beaches
88. Cujo
89. Maid In Manhattan
90. Labyrinth
91. Thoroughly Modern Millie
92. His Girl Friday
93. Chocolat
94. Independence Day
95. Singing in the Rain
96. Big Fish
97. The Thomas Crown Affair [Again, new old? I've seen the new one.]
98. The Matrix
99. Stargate
100. A Hard Day’s Night
101. About A Boy
102. Jurassic Park
103. Life of Brian
104. Dune
105. Help!
106. Grease
107. Newsies
108. Gone With The Wind
109. School of Rock
110. TOMMY
111. Yellow Submarine
112. From Hell
113. Benny & Joon
114. Amelie
115. Bridget Jones’ Diary
116. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
117. Heavenly Creatures
118. All About Eve
119. The Outsiders
120. Airplane!
121. The Sorcerer
122. The Crying Game
123. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
124. Slap Her, She’s French
125. Amadeus
126. Tommy Boy
127. Aladdin
128. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
129. Snatch
130. American History X
131. Jack and Sarah
132. Monkey Bone
133. Rocky Horror Picture Show
134. Kate and Leopold
135. Interview with the Vampire
136. Underworld
137. Truly, Madly, Deeply
138. Tank Girl
139. Boondock Saints
140. Blow Dry
141. Titanic
142. Good Morning Vietnam
143. Save the Last Dance
144. Lost in Translation
145. Willow
146. Legend
147. Van Helsing
148. Troy
149. Nine Girls and a Ghost
150. A Knight’s Tale
151. Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey
152. Beetlejuice
153. E.T.
154. Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone
155. Spaceballs
156. Young Frankenstein
157. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
158. American President
159. Bad Boys
160. Pecker
161. Pink Floyd: The Wall
161. X-Men
162. Sidewalks of New York
163. The Children of Dune [Isn't this a TV movie? Does that count?]
164. Beyond Borders
165. Life Is Beautiful
166. Good Will Hunting
167. Run Lola Run
168. Blazing saddles
169. Caligula
170. The Transporter
171. Better Off Dead
172. The Abyss
173. Almost Famous
174. The Red Violin
175. Contact
176. Stand and Deliver
177. Clueless
178. William Shakespeare’s Romeo+Juliet
179. Dangerous Liaisons
180. I Am Sam
181. The Usual Suspects
182. U-571
183. Capricorn One
184. The Little Shop of Horrors (the one with Jack Nicholson) [I've seen both versions.]
185. Die Hard
186. The Flamingo Kid
187. Night of the Comet
188. Point Break
189. Chatterbox
190. Secretary
191. Breakfast at Tiffany’s
192. American Beauty
193. Pulp Fiction
194. What About Bob
195. Roger and Me
196. Fahrenheit 9/11
197. Bowling for Columbine
198. The Professional (aka Leon)
199. The Fifth Element
200. La Femme Nikita
201. Heathers
202. Bull Durham
203. The Scorpion King
204. The Thin Blue Line
205. Do the Right Thing
206. Lady From Shanghai
207. Natural Born Killers
208. Funeral in Berlin
209. Decline of the American Empire
210. Citizen Kane
211. Casablanca
212. Night of the Hunter
Posted by
10:39 AM