Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Go to this page and click on the art work. From there you can download a preview trailer of "Dragon Wars" or D-War as it's called in the trailer. If the movie is 1/2 as good as the trailer, it will be awesome. However, I have a sinking feeling that all the best stuff (and all the money for the movie) went into the trailer.
The movie will be directed by the guy who made the remake of Yongarry, called Reptilian in America. Here's an appropriate quote on the Rotten Tomatoes site about that film: "Passes the so-bad-it's-good threshold and lands square in the realm of bad again." Actually, that might make the movie sound better than it was.
Still, here's hoping this Korean film turns out to be as good as the trailer would lead you to believe.

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