Thursday, February 19, 2004

I don't know why the Washington Post did this story: Ike and the Alien Ambassadors, but it is fun. Here's an excerpt:

"Fifty years ago tomorrow -- on Feb. 20, 1954 -- President Dwight Eisenhower interrupted his vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., to make a secret nocturnal trip to a nearby Air Force base to meet two extraterrestrial aliens.
"Or maybe not. Maybe Ike just went to the dentist. There's some dispute about this.
"The Ike-met-with-ETs theory is advanced by Michael Salla, a former American University professor who now runs the Peace Ambassador Program at AU's Center for Global Peace."

Salla says he peiced his theory together with research on the Internet. Because we all know information on the Internet is infallible.
One of the most interesting things in this article is that the Eisenhower Library has a UFO specialist because they got so many calls about this issue. I want that job.

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