Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Mumpsimus's doings

Matthew Cheney, sometimes known as The Mumpsimus, has a review of Richard Butner's "Horses Blow Up Dog City & Other Stories" at SF Site. Also, the description of Cheney at the bottom of the review helped lead me to fiction by Cheney called Getting a Date for Amelia at in their 2001 issue. Unlike Cheney's story "Prague," which can be found in the archives of Ideomancer, this is a realistic story about a boy and his retarded sister, Amelia. I'd like to see Cheney do more fiction, it's no surprise he has a talent for it.

1 comment:

Matthew Cheney said...

Thanks for the kind words. There are threats to publish more of my fiction in 2005, and I do submit things occasionally, but fiction is the hardest thing for me to write, and I only occasionally come up with something I think is worth sharing. I'm glad to know you like what you've read.
